Analysis of Flue Gases with GC and TCD Detection
Aplikace | 2013 | Thermo Fisher ScientificInstrumentace
ZaměřeníPrůmysl a chemie
VýrobceThermo Fisher Scientific
Klíčová slovacts, flue, tcd, gas, mixture, coal, area, bunkers, smouldering, calibration, event, matogram, oven, imposes, oxygen, conveying, applcal, combusted, gases, catsuppo, techni, thirds, typically, detector, grinding, analysis, disable, valve, carbon, injector, confidential, threat, ref, stdev, explosion, object, pipe, name, cryo, entrance, injectors, seat, monoxide, protects, serious, actually, immediate, schematic, set, carrier
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Tracera (GC-BID) Solution
|Shimadzu|Brožury a specifikace
LAAN-B-GC004 Tracera (GC-BID) Solution Highly Versatile GC Analyzer for Trace Analysis The new Tracera GC System is now ready to solve your trace analysis needs. This system utilizes the new Barrier Discharge Ionization Detector technology coupled with a GC-2010 Plus…
Klíčová slova
bid, bidgas, gastracera, traceracarrier, carrierformic, formicacid, acidanalysis, analysisrefinery, refinerytemperature, temperaturedischarge, dischargegcsolution, gcsolutionchromatograph, chromatographmin, mininjection, injectionname
Shimadzu’s System GC Solutions - Data Sheets
2018|Shimadzu|Brožury a specifikace
C10G-E064 System Gas Chromatography (GC) Data Sheets Shimadzu’s System GC Solutions Shimadzu provides proven System GC Solutions designed to meet the demands of your business and industry. Our System GC Analyzers are built and tested to meet the specific analysis…
Klíčová slova
fid, fidreturn, returntable, tabletcd, tcdsystem, systemanalyzer, analyzerone, onechromatograph, chromatographtypical, typicalname, namefeatures, featurespacked, packedchromatograms, chromatogramsshimadzu, shimadzudetector
Analyze Permanent Gases and Light Hydrocarbons with Agilent J&W Particle Trap Columns
2014|Agilent Technologies|Aplikace
Analyze Permanent Gases and Light Hydrocarbons with Agilent J&W Particle Trap Columns Application Note Energy and Chemicals Authors Abstract Yun Zou and Chunxiao Wang Agilent J&W PoraBOND Q PT and CP-Molsieve 5Å PT particle trap columns were evaluated by analyzing…
Klíčová slova
permanent, permanentargon, argontcd, tcdcolumns, columnsgases, gasesmin, minporabond, porabondvalve, valveplot, plotagilent, agilentparticle, particlecarrier, carriergas, gashydrogen, hydrogenswitching
Instant Connect Gas Sampling Valve Module Introducing a New Flexibility in Gas Sampling for GC and GC-MS
2014|Thermo Fisher Scientific|Technické články
Instant Connect Gas Sampling Valve Module Introducing a New Flexibility in Gas Sampling for GC and GC-MS Stefano Pelagatti, Paolo Magni, and Fausto Pigozzo Thermo Fisher Scientific, Milan, Italy Overview FIGURE 3. GSV module Purpose: We present a newly developed,…
Klíčová slova
gsv, gsvmodule, moduleincremented, incrementedvalve, valvesampling, samplingtraceplot, traceplotundesired, undesiredtcd, tcdgas, gasloop, loopfront, frontbeen, beenbackflush, backflushecd, ecdfid