Comparison of Two Lemon Oils by GC-TOFMS
Aplikace | 2007 | LECOInstrumentace
ZaměřeníPotraviny a zemědělství
VýrobceAgilent Technologies, LECO
Klíčová slovalimonene, lemon, terpinene, pinene, oils, curve, peaks, pegasus, leco, contribution, tofms, time, having, tic, necessitated, deconvolutes, major, associated, two, calibration, split, pressed, dcm, saturation, compensation, three, coeluting, chromatographically, components, decreases, identifications, corrected, conjunction, ranging, cold, compound, remaining, rather, delivering, account, once, package, true, deconvolution, greatly, nist, compare, variation, flight, range
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Comparison of the Analysis of California Lemon Oil: GC-FID vs. GCxGC-FID
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FAST GC-TOFMS and Hydrogen Carrier Gas: An Enhanced Solution for the Analysis of Citrus Essential Oils
2022|Agilent Technologies|Aplikace
Application Note ® Instrument: Pegasus BT EMPOWERING RESULTS FAST GC-TOFMS and Hydrogen Carrier Gas: An Enhanced Solution for the Analysis of Citrus Essential Oils LECO Corporation; Saint Joseph, Michigan USA Key Words:Fast GC, Hydrogen, TOFMS, Flavor and Fragrance, Essential Oil,…
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Combining GC with MS and Olfactory Detection for Characterization of Food, Flavor, and Fragrance Samples
2021|GL Sciences|Postery
Combining GC with MS and Olfactory Detection for Characterization of Food, Flavor, and Fragrance Samples Joseph E. Binkley, Elizabeth M. Humston-Fulmer, Lorne M. Fell | LECO Corporation, Saint Joseph, MI USA BEER OFF-ODOR INTRODUCTION NUTMEG CHARACTERIZATION SENSORY DIFFERENCES IN CILANTRO…
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