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High Sensitive MID Detection Method for Toxaphenes by High Resolution GC/MS


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High sensitive MID detection method for toxaphenes by Magnetic Sector GC-HRMS
APPLICATION NOTE 30128 High sensitive MID detection method for toxaphenes by Magnetic Sector GC-HRMS Authors Introduction Frank Theobald, Environmental Consulting, Cologne, Germany The analysis of toxaphenes still is challenging, not limited to the almost impossible chromatographic separation of the vast…
Klíčová slova
toxaphenes, toxaphenestoxaphene, toxaphenesector, sectornative, nativecali, calimagnetic, magneticionization, ionizationdfs, dfsmass, masshrms, hrmscongeners, congenersbeen, beenlock, lockptv, ptvproviding
Confirmation of Low Level Dioxins and Furans in  Dirty Matrix Samples using High Resolution GC/MS
Application Note: 30112 Confirmation of Low Level Dioxins and Furans in Dirty Matrix Samples using High Resolution GC/MS Dirk Krumwiede, Hans-Joachim Huebschmann, Thermo Fisher Scientific, Bremen, Germany Introduction Key Words • DFS • Dioxin • Dioxin-like PCBs • Furans •…
Klíčová slova
dfs, dfsdioxin, dioxinmasses, massesdioxins, dioxinshrgc, hrgcfuran, furanconfirmation, confirmationfurans, furansmid, midhrms, hrmsdirectives, directivesafrica, africascientific, scientificfuttermitteln, futtermittelnparlamentes
DFS - Analysis of  Brominated Flame Retardants with High Resolution GC/MS
Application Note: 30098 DFS - Analysis of Brominated Flame Retardants with High Resolution GC/MS Dirk Krumwiede, Hans-Joachim Hübschmann, Thermo Fisher Scientific, Bremen, Germany Key Words • Flame Retardants (PBDE) • HRGC / HRMS • Multiple Ion Detection (MID) • Persistant…
Klíčová slova
mid, midpfk, pfkdfs, dfspbde, pbdepbdes, pbdesmasses, massesretardants, retardantsethers, ethersscientific, scientificdiphenyl, diphenylpcb, pcbthermo, thermomass, masspolybrominated, polybrominatedflame
Determination of short- and medium-chained chlorinated paraffins in salmon samples using GC Orbitrap-MS
APPLICATION NOTE 10585 Determination of short- and medium-chained chlorinated paraffins in salmon samples using GC Orbitrap-MS Authors Kerstin Krätschmer,1 Cristian Cojocariu,2 Alexander Schächtele,1 Paul Silcock,2 and Rainer Malisch1 1 European Union Reference Laboratory (EURL) for Dioxins and PCBs in Feed…
Klíčová slova
sccp, sccpmccp, mccporbitrap, orbitrapexactive, exactivepcbs, pcbsflorisil, florisilsamples, sampleswere, werepops, popssccps, sccpscleaned, cleanedclean, cleanusing, usingsalmon, salmonstandards
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LabRulez s.r.o. Všechna práva vyhrazena. Obsah dostupný pod licencí CC BY-SA 4.0 Uveďte původ-Zachovejte licenci.