Analysis of Ethylene in Food Using GC/MS
Aplikace | 2015 | ShimadzuInstrumentace
GC/MSD, HeadSpace, GC/SQ
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BEIS (Boost efficiency IS). High sensitivity ion source for GC MS/MS
BEIS(Boost efficiency IS) -High sensitivity ion source for GC-MS/MSMS Business Unit, Analytical & Measuring Instruments Division Background Market trend of GC-MS/MS In the past, Dioxins in food had been analyzed by GC-HRMS Recently, GC-MS/MS was also confirmed as…
Klíčová slova
beis, beisdioxins, dioxinsfeed, feedrealize, realizeboost, boostfilament, filamenttrend, trendocdd, ocddpcdd, pcddfood, foodanalysis, analysissample, sampleefficiency, efficiencydxns, dxnsmarket
Oregon Residual Solvent Analysis Method for Cannabis/Hemp using a Single Quad GCMS with Headspace
No. SSI-GCMS-2004 Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometry No. GCMS-2004 Oregon Residual Solvent Analysis Method for Cannabis/Hemp using a Single Quad GCMS with Headspace ■ Abstract Cannabis and hemp production within the United States has expanded exponentially within recent years. Because the…
Klíčová slova
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Oregon Residual Solvent Analysis Method for Cannabis/Hemp using a Shimadzu GCMS-SQ and Headspace Injections
Oregon Residual Solvent Analysis Method for Cannabis/Hemp using a Shimadzu GCMS-SQ and Headspace Injections John Ioannou, Paul Winkler, Max Wang, Bob Clifford, Ph.D, Shimadzu Scientific Instruments, Columbia, MD Introduction Ethylene glycol is an analyte that can sometimes be difficult to…
Klíčová slova
area, areaethylene, ethyleneoregon, oregonglycol, glycolisobutane, isobutanebenzene, benzenehemp, hempheadspace, headspacebutane, butanepentane, pentaneisopropyl, isopropylacetonitrile, acetonitrilemethanol, methanolethylbenzene, ethylbenzenexylene
Interlaboratory comparison study of two gas chromatography injection techniques viz. liquid and dynamic headspace for trace level quantification of Ethylene Oxide (EtO) and 2-Chloroethanol (2-CE) in ginger powder sample by using tandem mass spectrometry. Sanket Anand Chiplunkar1; Durvesh Sawant1; Prashant…
Klíčová slova
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