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Quantification and Characterization of Sulfur in Low-Sulfur Reformulated Gasolines by GC-ICP-MS


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Analysis of Sulfur Compounds in a Petroleum Fraction using Agilent J&W DB-Sulfur SCD GC Column and Inert Flow Path
Analysis of Sulfur Compounds in a Petroleum Fraction using Agilent J&W DB-Sulfur SCD GC Column and Inert Flow Path Application Note Energy & Chemicals Author Abstract Yun Zou and Chunxiao Wang Sulfur-containing components in gasoline samples were analyzed using an…
Klíčová slova
sulfur, sulfursulfide, sulfidescd, scddisulfide, disulfidecracked, crackeddiethyl, diethylpetroleum, petroleumdimethyl, dimethylthiophene, thiophenegasoline, gasolinemethanethiol, methanethiolethanethiol, ethanethiolcarbonyl, carbonylcompounds, compoundsinert
Applications of ICP-MS in Homeland Security
Applications of ICP-MS in Homeland Security
2004|Agilent Technologies|Technické články
Applications of ICP-MS in Homeland Security Application Homeland Security Author Introduction Steve Wilbur Agilent Technologies, Inc. 3380 146th Place SE Suite 300 Bellevue, WA 98007 USA Toxicity can be either biological or chemical in nature. In the case of chemical…
Klíčová slova
icp, icpelement, elementtoxic, toxicphosphorous, phosphorousisotopes, isotopescan, canisotope, isotopeelemental, elementalelements, elementsorganophosphorous, organophosphorousplasma, plasmagas, gasinductively, inductivelysample, samplepesticides
GC-SCD Analysis of Fuels and Petrochemicals
GC-SCD Analysis of Fuels and Petrochemicals Application Notebook GC-SCD Analysis of Fuels and Petrochemicals Application Notebook There is perhaps no technique more specific, selective, and sensitive for analysis of sulfur compounds than gas chromatography with sulfur chemiluminescence detection (GC-SCD). As…
Klíčová slova
sulfur, sulfurthiophene, thiophenesulfide, sulfidescd, scddisulfide, disulfidedbds, dbdsinsulating, insulatinggas, gasbenzene, benzenecompounds, compoundsmercaptan, mercaptanequimolar, equimolarsensitivity, sensitivityarea, areanews
Detection of Sulfur Compounds in Light Petroleum Liquids According to ASTM D5623 with the Agilent Dual Plasma Sulfur Chemiluminescence Detector and the Agilent Intuvo 9000 GC
Detection of Sulfur Compounds in Light Petroleum Liquids According to ASTM D5623 with the Agilent Dual Plasma Sulfur Chemiluminescence Detector and the Agilent Intuvo 9000 GC Application Note Author Abstract Rebecca Veeneman, PhD Sulfur compounds in gasoline samples are detected…
Klíčová slova
sulfur, sulfursulfide, sulfidedisulfide, disulfidelog, logcompounds, compoundspetroleum, petroleumdiethyl, diethylpractical, practicalthianaphthene, thianaphthenedimethyl, dimethylchemiluminescence, chemiluminescenceintuvo, intuvoethylmethyl, ethylmethylbutanethiol, butanethioldiphenyl
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