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Improved Performance From The New Thermo Scientific TraceGOLD 5 Series GC Columns


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Improved Performance in Capillary GC Columns
Improved Performance in Capillary GC Columns
2010|Thermo Fisher Scientific|Technické články
Improved Performance in Capillary GC Columns Luisa Pereira, Thermo Fisher Scientific, Runcorn, Cheshire, UK. The development of durable and inert stationary phases for GC has substantial benefits for the analysis of all compounds as it improves the sensitivity and reproducibility…
Klíčová slova
bleed, bleedpereira, pereirapolysiloxane, polysiloxanecolumn, columncolumns, columnscompounds, compoundsgroups, groupsrun, runlow, lownew, newstability, stabilityreproducibility, reproducibilityphase, phaselevels, levelsrange
Thermo Scientific TraceGOLD GC Capillary Columns
Thermo Scientific TraceGOLD GC Capillary Columns
2011|Thermo Fisher Scientific|Brožury a specifikace
Thermo Scientific TraceGOLD GC Capillary Columns Redefining your expectations for GCMS Offering you a leap forward in column performance delivering ultra low bleed, superior inertness and the highest levels of reproducibility guaranteed. u Ultra low bleed – Leading to greater…
Klíčová slova
polar, polarproprietary, proprietarywaxms, waxmsmid, midtracegold, tracegoldbleed, bleedpolarity, polarityrun, runnon, noncolumns, columnspolyethylene, polyethylenepeg, pegreproducibility, reproducibilitycolumn, columnglycol
Ultra-inert low bleed GC columns with advanced silphenylene polymer technology
APPLICATION NOTE 21735 Ultra-inert low bleed GC columns with advanced silphenylene polymer technology Author Application benefits Aaron Lamb, Thermo Fisher Scientific, Runcorn, UK • Thermo Scientific™ TraceGOLD™ silphenylene (SilMS)-based columns demonstrate 80% lower bleed compared to premium low bleed competitor…
Klíčová slova
bleed, bleedcompetitor, competitorsilms, silmstracegold, tracegoldprobe, probeinertness, inertnesscolumns, columnsacidity, aciditycolumn, columnsilphenylene, silphenylenesilanol, silanolthermo, thermobasicity, basicityscientific, scientificmarker
Lower Detection Limits and Quantitate with Confidence with Breakthrough Ultra Inert Technology
Lower Detection Limits and Quantitate with Confidence with Breakthrough Ultra Inert Technology Simon Jones Application Engineer September 22, 2011 Goals of the Presentation 1. Understand what it means to be INERT, and why it is important to have an inert…
Klíčová slova
liner, linerinert, inertdeactivation, deactivationprobes, probesinertness, inertnessultra, ultrapoor, poortest, testdeact, deactliners, linersagilent, agilentactive, activetrimethyl, trimethylactivity, activitycolumn
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LabRulez s.r.o. Všechna práva vyhrazena. Obsah dostupný pod licencí CC BY-SA 4.0 Uveďte původ-Zachovejte licenci.