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Environmental Analysis of Volatile Compounds in Soil, Water and Sludge by GC / PID / DELCD
Application Note #GC3008 Environmental Analysis of Volatile Compounds in Soil, Water and Sludge by GC / PID / DELCD The analysis of volatile compounds (b.p. <140°C) in environmental samples represents contamination from active or recent discharges. EPA methods 502.2, 601,…
Klíčová slova
delcd, delcdchromatographs, chromatographscompounds, compoundsidentified, identifiedxylenes, xylenesrespond, respondhalogen, halogenphoto, phototetrachloroethylene, tetrachloroethylenevery, veryelectrolytic, electrolytichalogenated, halogenateddibromochloromethane, dibromochloromethaneillustrated, illustratedbromodichloromethane
On-Site Analysis of Gasoline Range Organics (GRO) in Soil and Groundwater Using Field Portable Purge and Trap GC / FID / PID
Application Note #GC3010 On-Site Analysis of Gasoline Range Organics (GRO) in Soil and Groundwater Using Field Portable Purge and Trap GC / FID / PID Although leaking underground storage tanks account for the majority of gasoline contamination in soils and…
Klíčová slova
gasoline, gasolinegro, gropid, pidorganics, organicsimmediacy, immediacychasing, chasingpeaksimple, peaksimplecrew, crewsite, sitewanting, wantingaccidents, accidentsplume, plumefid, fidpurge, purgedos
Analysis of BTEX-MTBE by Purge and Trap (P&T) Concentration and Determination by Gas Chromatography and Photoionization Detection (GC/PID)
Analysis of BTEX-MTBE by Purge and Trap (P&T) Concentration and Determination by Gas Chromatography and Photoionization Detection (GC/PID) Introduction The analysis of Benzene, Toluene, Ethylbenzene, Xylenes, and Methyl-tert-butyl ether is a common analysis performed in many laboratories. BTEX compounds are…
Klíčová slova
mtbe, mtbepurge, purgepid, pidbtex, btexphotoionization, photoionizationtrap, trapidp, idpgas, gasrec, recconcentration, concentrationdesorb, desorbtemperature, temperaturedetermination, determinationethylbenzene, ethylbenzenexylene
Optimizing the Analysis of Volatile Organic Compounds
Technical Guide 1 Optimizing the Analysis of Volatile Organic Compounds Inside: EPA Method Definitions State GRO Methods Contract Laboratory Program (CLP) The Love Canal Scandal Purge and Trap Theory Sequences and Flow Paths of the Purge and Trap Unit Purge…
Klíčová slova
pack, packxylene, xylenertx, rtxtert, tertpid, pidpurge, purgebutylbenzene, butylbenzeneelcd, elcdeach, eachchloride, chloridetrap, trapbenzene, benzenedata, dataacetate, acetatevgc
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