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Automatic Detection of Ethoprop in Orange

Aplikace | 2008 | LECOInstrumentace
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Klíčová slova
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Analysis of Pesticide Residues in Citrus Oils by GCxGC-TOFMS with Minimal Sample Preparation
® Analysis of Pesticide Residues in Citrus Oils by GCxGC-TOFMS with Minimal Sample Preparation LECO Corporation; Saint Joseph, Michigan USA Key Words: GCxGC-TOFMS, Classifications, Deconvolution, Quantification, Sample Preparation, Pesticides 2. Introduction Citrus oils are traded internationally and are included in…
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Screening for Environmental Contaminants in Complex Matrices—Tobacco
® Screening for Environmental Contaminants in Complex Matrices—Tobacco LECO Corporation; Saint Joseph, Michigan USA Key Words: GCxGC-TOFMS, Environmental, Tobacco, Pesticides Analytical Approach GCxGC-TOFMS has been demonstrated to be applicable to the identification of pesticides in a tobacco extract. The automatic,…
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Automatic Detection of Omethoate in Baby Food Bananas
Life Science and Chemical Analysis Centre LECO Corporation, Saint Joseph, Michigan USA Methoxyeugenol Raw spectrum Deconvoluted spectrum Application Snapshot Automatic Detection of Omethoate in Baby Food Bananas Reference spectrum Omethoate 10 pg 250 ms Omethoate detected in baby food bananas…
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Automatic Detection of Omethoate in Baby Food Bananas
Life Science and Chemical Analysis Centre LECO Corporation, Saint Joseph, Michigan USA Methoxyeugenol Raw spectrum Deconvoluted spectrum Application Snapshot Automatic Detection of Omethoate in Baby Food Bananas Reference spectrum Omethoate 10 pg 250 ms Omethoate detected in baby food bananas…
Klíčová slova
bananas, bananasomethoate, omethoatebaby, babyspectrum, spectrummethoxyeugenol, methoxyeugenolsnapshots, snapshotssnapshot, snapshotfood, foodlisting, listingcoelution, coelutioncentre, centredespite, despitepegasus, pegasusvisit, visitdeconvoluted
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