Analysis of Liquid Hand Soap by Thermal Desorption-GC-TOFMS
Aplikace | 2008 | LECOInstrumentace
GC/MSD, Termální desorpce, GC/TOF
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Essential Oils—Area Percent Calculations Using Deconvoluted Total Ion Chromatogram
2008|Agilent Technologies|Aplikace
® Essential Oils—Area Percent Calculations Using Deconvoluted Total Ion Chromatogram LECO Corporation; Saint Joseph, Michigan USA Key Words: GC-TOFMS To further complicate things, many analysts like to correlate the signals obtained by the mass spectrometer to those obtained using other…
Klíčová slova
area, areatic, ticquant, quantpeaks, peaksmasses, massesneric, nericcoelutions, coelutionspercent, percentpeak, peakoxide, oxidesoftware, softwarename, namephenylethyl, phenylethylcomputed, computedisoledene
Fast Analysis and Reporting of a Citrus Reference Standard
2009|Agilent Technologies|Aplikace
® Fast Analysis and Reporting of a Citrus Reference Standard LECO Corporation; Saint Joseph, Michigan USA Key Words: GC-TOFMS A general set of GC and TOFMS conditions were developed and used to analyze a variety of essential oils and reference…
Klíčová slova
citrus, citrusterpene, terpeneessential, essentialamyl, amylnerolidol, nerolidolcinnamaldehyde, cinnamaldehydelibrary, libraryacetal, acetaltrans, transdimethyl, dimethylbutyrate, butyrateterpinene, terpineneoil, oilgeneral, generalpegasus
Rapid Qualitative GC-TOFMS Analysis of Unleaded Gasoline
2010|Agilent Technologies|Aplikace
® Rapid Qualitative GC-TOFMS Analysis of Unleaded Gasoline LECO Corporation; Saint Joseph, Michigan USA Key Words: GC-TOFMS, Petrochemical, Deconvolution 1. Introduction Analyses of petroleum fuels are complicated by the relatively large number of volatile and semivolatile components contained in these…
Klíčová slova
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Determination of Hydrocarbon Components in Petroleum Naphthas
2010|Agilent Technologies|Aplikace
® Determination of Hydrocarbon Components in Petroleum Naphthas LECO Corporation; Saint Joseph, Michigan USA Key Words: GC-TOFMS, Petrochemical, Naphtha, Deconvolution, Retention Index Mass spectrometers are usually used as a confirmation tool only, perhaps because a mass spectrometer is perceived to…
Klíčová slova
olefin, olefinnaphthas, naphthasparaffin, paraffinarea, areapegasus, pegasusiso, isocoeluting, coelutingdeconvolute, deconvolutechromatographic, chromatographicethylcyclopentane, ethylcyclopentanenaphthene, naphtheneindex, indexpeak, peakspectrum, spectrumcan