Comparison of Two Lemon Oil Samples by GC-TOFMS
Aplikace | 2008 | LECOInstrumentace
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Analysis of Perfumes With SPME and High-Speed GC-TOFMS
2008|Agilent Technologies|Aplikace
® Analysis of Perfumes With SPME and High-Speed GC-TOFMS LECO Corporation; Saint Joseph, Michigan USA Key Words: GC-TOFMS, SPME, Low Thermal Mass (LTM), Headspace, VOC's In this study, several perfumes are analyzed using Solid Phase Micro Extraction (SPME) coupled to…
Klíčová slova
tolerance, toleranceuniquemass, uniquemasspinene, pinenemyrcene, myrcenearea, areaunknown, unknownout, outbuilding, buildingindoor, indoorspme, spmecompare, comparecamphene, camphenetofms, tofmsname, namesick
Automated Comparison of Scotch and Midwest Spearmint Oils using GC-TOFMS
2009|Agilent Technologies|Aplikace
® Automated Comparison of Scotch and Midwest Spearmint Oils using GC-TOFMS LECO Corporation; Saint Joseph, Michigan USA Key Words: GC-TOFMS The Pegasus II automated data processing algorithms include peak finding and spectral deconvolution. Peak finding effectively locates the positions of…
Klíčová slova
scotch, scotchspearmint, spearmintmidwest, midwestpegasus, pegasuscarvone, carvonecis, cisdihydro, dihydrooil, oilgermacrene, germacrenetrans, transoils, oilsocimene, ocimeneterpinene, terpineneleco, lecopositions
Methods for Profiling Gin for Essential Oil Components with GC-TOFMS and GCxGC-TOFMS
2009|Agilent Technologies|Postery
® Delivering the Right Results Methods for Profiling Gin for Essential Oil Components with GC-TOFMS and GCxGC-TOFMS Donald C. Hilton, Megan McGuigan, and Scott Pugh • LECO Corporation, St. Joseph, Michigan RESULTS AND DISCUSSION SAMPLE By definition, all gin samples…
Klíčová slova
caryophyllene, caryophyllenegcxgc, gcxgccadinene, cadinenetofms, tofmsobservations, observationsmuurolene, muurolenegermacrene, germacreneisothujone, isothujoneisoledene, isoledenecadinol, cadinolgin, gintrutof, trutofelemene, elemenecubebene, cubebeneselinene
Fast Analysis of Citronella Ceylon Oil with GC-TOFMS
2009|Agilent Technologies|Aplikace
® Fast Analysis of Citronella Ceylon Oil with GC-TOFMS LECO Corporation; Saint Joseph, Michigan USA Key Words: GC-TOFMS 1. Introduction There are two types of citronella oil - ceylon and java both of which are valued for their lemony aromas.…
Klíčová slova
trans, transgeranyl, geranylcis, ciscadinene, cadineneocimene, ocimenebutyrate, butyrateelemol, elemolacetate, acetateoxide, oxideelemicin, elemicincadinol, cadinolcitronellyl, citronellylspectra, spectrapegasus, pegasusisoeugenol