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Analysis of polymer additives using DIP-EI and FD


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AccuTOF GC series Applications Notebook
AccuTOF GC series Applications Notebook
2016|Agilent Technologies|Aplikace
s High Performance Gas Chromatograph Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometer AccuTOF GC series Applications Notebook Edition April 2016 AccuTOF GC series Applications Notebook Edition April 2016 Table of Contents Introduction ................................................................................................................. 1 New Gas Chromatography / High Resolution Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometer JMS-T200GC…
Klíčová slova
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Analysis of diesel oil by using GC x GC-HRTOFMS (FI) with 2 different sets of column combinations
Mass Spectrometry Application Group 日本電子株式会社 JEOL MS Data Sheet 応用研究セン Mass Spectrometry Business Unit ター 〒 196-8558 東京都昭島市武蔵野 3-1-2 MS Tips JEOL Ltd. www.jeol.com Tel : (042) 542-2242, Fax : (042) 542-3132 No.154No. 040 JMS-T100GCV Application Data Analysis of diesel…
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Analysis of additives in plastic by thermal desorption (TD) GC-TOFMS - accurate mass measurement and isotope pattern matching
U U 日本電子株式会社 Mass Spectrometry Application Group JEOL MS Data Sheet 応用研究センター MS Tips Mass Spectrometry Business Unit 〒 196-8558 東京都昭島市武蔵野 3-1-2 TelLtd. : (042) 542-2242, Fax : (042) 542-3132 JEOL No.138 02/’09) No. (U:040 JMS-T100GCV Application Data Analysis of…
Klíčová slova
jeol, jeolisotope, isotopedesorption, desorptionセンター, センターdecabromodiphenyl, decabromodiphenylunknown, unknownsqualene, squalenethermal, thermalmass, massethane, ethanespectrometry, spectrometrypatterns, patternssheet, sheettofms, tofmsbusiness
Analysis of advanced materials by FD/FI using “AccuTOF GC” - analysis of polymer building blocks with isocyanate and pilazole groups
日本電子株式会社 Mass Spectrometry Application Group Sheet JEOL MS Data She et 応用研究センター Mass Spectrometry Business Unit 〒 196-8558 東京都昭島市武蔵野 3-1-2 TelLtd. : (042) 542-2242, Fax : (042) 542-3132 JEOL MS Tips No.089 No. 040 Analysis of advanced materials by FD/FI…
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