LECO: Pittcon Virtual Conference & Expo 2021
- Foto: LECO Corporation: Pittcon Virtual Conference & Expo 2021
- Video: Pittcon: Virtual Pittcon 2021: Now More Than Ever
Zjistěte, jak může nový vícerežimový iontový zdroj transformovat vaši HRMS analýzu a zefektivnit Vaše pracovní postupy. Poznejte nový software ChromaTOF TILE a to, jak se pracné vyhodnocování GCxGC dat zkracuje na minuty.
Věda bez roušky
V dnešní době dochází k velkým změnám, které se dotýkají nejrůznějších oblastí našich životů. Pandemie vystavila těžké zkoušce i tradiční výstavy a veletrhy. Přidejte se s námi k pilotnímu plně digitálnímu ročníku Pittconu, na kterém LECO Corp. tradičně představuje své novinky. Společně se bezpečně a interaktivně podíváme bez roušek novinky, které pro vás máme nachystány.
Navštivte náš digitální stánek v Exhibit Hall 1, podiskutujte živě s našimi odborníky nebo si naplánujte schůzku na pozdější čas. Třeba Vás překvapí, co vše vám firma LECO může nabídnout.
LECO Corporation: Pittcon Virtual Conference & Expo 2021
Přidejte se k nám v našem virtuálním stánku v Exhibit Hall 1
LECO nabízí širokou škálu přístrojů a aplikací připravených pomoci s vaší analýzou. Ať už jde o elementární složení, hmotnostní spektrometrii nebo termogravimetrické stanovení – podívejte se na naše produktová videa.
Můžete se dočíst o našich přístrojích, poslechnout si o nich v našich webinářích na vyžádání a nebo jednoduše stiskem tlačítka Chat with a Rep vlevo nahoře spustit živou diskuzi s našimi specialisty on-line. Pokud máte specifické dotazy, můžete už dnes vyplnit náš formulář a naši specialisté si připraví podklady pro setkání v určitý společně domluvený čas. Ať už se vaše laboratoř potýká s jakýmikoliv vzorky, chceme vaše problémy znát a pokusit je společně vyřešit.
Každý, kdo se zaregistruje pro setkání s našimi specialisty, získá pero v limitované edici LECO Pittcon 2021.
Více informací na našich stránkách k Pittconu (v anglickém originále).
High Performance GC- and GCxGC-TOFMS Metabolomics-based Approach for Discovery of Potential Diabetes II Biomarkers in Human Serum
- Session Number: L05-02
- Pondělí 8. března, 14:50 - 15:10 AM CET Prague
Over 400 million adults are currently living with diabetes worldwide and this number is expected to rise to 700 million by the year 2045. Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2D) accounts for approximately 90% of total cases. Diabetes is a major cause of blindness, kidney failure, heart attacks, strokes and lower limb amputations. There is a critical need for the discovery of T2D biomarkers to initiate early medical treatment and avoid the major complications associated with this serious chronic disease. A metabolomics analytical approach is ideal for the investigation of human physiology and discovery of markers for disease diagnosis. The main objective of this study was to implement an untargeted analytical methodology for identification of candidate T2D biomarkers in humans. T2D and control samples were extracted with organic solvents and centrifuged. An aliquot of the supernatant material was placed under vacuum to remove solvents, lyophilized and then derivatized in two-steps: 1) Methoximation and 2) silylation. Mass spectra were collected with an ion source temperature of 250 °C, mass range of 40 to 650 Da and an acquisition rate of 10 spectra per second (200 sps for GCxGC-TOFMS). Data were processed using untargeted Peak Find strategies and compounds were characterized through retention index filtering, and spectral similarity searches. Data processing resulted in contour plots (Detailed compound maps) displaying wide varieties of metabolites including acids, diacids, amino acids, fatty acids, bases, monosaccharides, disaccharides, sugar phosphates, sterols, nucleosides and others. Differentiation of control and disease samples was performed through downstream statistical processing of the data. This work resulted in the identification of several candidate markers for T2D. High-resolution MS experiments were conducted to confirm candidate identifications.
Cannabis Characterization using GC and GCxGC with Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry
- Session Number: S22-03
- Pondělí 9. března, 15:40 - 16:15 AM CET Prague
Cannabis legalization and sales continue to increase globally. Consequently, medical testing will grow as consumers demand more cannabis product information. Accurate chemical characterization of cannabis is critical for determining the effectiveness and safety of its numerous commercial products. Regrettably, reported test results are often inaccurate and/or non-verifiable. This has led researchers to develop improved analysis and classification protocols including a more reliable classification based on overall chemical content. Chemical profiling of samples will be useful for predicting its therapeutic potential, but more important, confirming product reproducibility. In this study, modern-day gas chromatography – mass spectrometry (GC-MS) and comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography (GCxGC)-MS technologies were implemented for the untargeted analysis of cannabis botanicals. This methodology provided potency determination, terpene profiling and untargeted characterization of different cannabis types. Data collection was comprehensive; however, both targeted and untargeted processing methods were utilized for the quantitative and qualitative analysis of the samples. The analytical methodology produced data with superior chromatographic resolution and increased peak signal to noise values, which dramatically improved compound detection and identification. The rich, high-quality spectral data were submitted for downstream statistical processing using novel software based on fisher ratio tiles for class to class and within class comparison. Enhanced chromatographic plots (GCxGC), high performance TOFMS and statistical processing facilitated chemical classification and resulted in differentiation of cannabis samples.