Proběhla 5. STARSS konference zaměřená na separační vědy
Farmaceutická fakulta UK v HK/Jan Škop: Proběhla pátá STARSS konference zaměřená na separační vědy
Tým projektu STARSS (Vytvoření expertního týmu pro pokročilý výzkum v separačních vědách) navázal na tradici a zorganizoval již pátý ročník STARSS konference zaměřené na separační vědy. Přes poměrně komplikovanou epidemiologickou situaci spojenou s COVID-19 byla konference uspořádána v hybridním formátu ve dnech 2. - 3. prosince 2021.
Farmaceutická fakulta UK v HK/Jan Škop: 5. STARSS konference zaměřená na separační vědy
Kompletní program konference
Výzkumný tým
František Švec
František Švec worked in the Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences in Prague before accepting position at the Cornell University and later at the University of California, Berkeley. He was also Facility director at the Molecular Foundry of the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. Dr. Švec authored close to 510 scientific publications that produced more than 26,000 citations and has an h-index close to 100. He edited 2 books and authored 75 patents. He is editor-in-chief of the Journal of Separation Science and Separation Science Plus. He received numerous awards and distinctions for his pioneering work with organic polymer monolithic structures. He currently serves as the key foreign expert researcher in the STARSS project.
Petr Solich
Professor Petr Solich obtained his Ph.D. in 1985 at Charles University and is currently Vice-dean for strategic development and EU funds at the Faculty of Pharmacy, Charles University in Hradec Králové, Czech Republic. His research interests are automation of analytical procedures; flow methods (Flow Injection Analysis, Sequential Injection Analysis and Sequential Injection Chromatography); chromatographic methods (mainly UHPLC with sub-2-micron columns or use of monolithic columns) and modern sample-preparation methods, applied to pharmaceutical, environmental and bioanalytical analysis. He has published more than 270 research papers (h-index 41) and has been responsible for more than 25 research grants from different disciplines (pharmaceutical, environmental, bioanalytical). He is project guarantor of the STARSS project.
Lucie Nováková
Lucie Nováková is a full Professor in Analytical Chemistry at the Charles University, Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové, Department of Analytical Chemistry, the Czech Republic since 2011. Her research is oriented towards separation techniques, namely ultra-high performance liquid chromatography, supercritical fluid chromatography, and their coupling to mass spectrometry. She is involved in a broad scope of research projects focused on pharmaceutical analysis, doping control, plant analysis, and bioanalytical methods. An important part of her research also lies in the sample preparation step, where the focus is put on the current trends enabling facilitation, miniaturization, and reduction of time and sample requirements. She extended her scientific experience during the fellowships at world-recognized universities, such as the University of Geneva and Vrije Universiteit Brussel, beyond others. She authored two books on HPLC theory and practice and nine book chapters. She published over 125 peer-reviewed scientific articles and review papers with more than 4060 citations and an h-index of 35. She is also widely involved in teaching and education activities, such as HPLC and SFC training courses, seminars, and conferences. Currently, she is the principal team manager of the STARSS project.
Průbeh konference
Prof. František Švec a prof. Petr Solich přivítali účastníky a zahájili konferenci informací o aktuálním stavu projektu STARSS. Následující přednášky byly prezentovány jak z místa konání konference, tak online. Z pozvaných odborníků z oblasti separačních věd je možno jmenovat:
- prof. Gert Desmet (Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgie)
Gert Desmet has a Master’s degree and PhD in chemical engineering from the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB), Brussels, Belgium, where he currently is a full professor in chemical engineering. His research mainly focuses on the miniaturization and automation of separation methods, as well as on the investigation and the modeling of flow effects in chromatographic systems. He is a past chair of the Chemistry Panel of the Flemish National Science Fund and currently is the Deputy-director of the Solvay Institute for Chemistry. He currently also is an Associate Editor for the journal "Analytical Chemistry" and holder of an ERC Advanced Grant. In 2008, he received the “Emerging Leader in Chromatography”-award from LC-GC. In 2009, he received the Silver Jubilee Medal of the Chromatographic Society of the UK. In 2019, he received the American Chemical Society Award for Chromatography. He is currently also a member of the permanent scientific committee of the international HPLC and ISC conference series.
Farmaceutická fakulta UK v HK/Jan Škop: 5. STARSS konference zaměřená na separační vědy
- Dr. Valentina D'Atri (University of Geneva, Švýcarsko)
Valentina D’Atri is a PhD graduate in Industrial and Molecular Biotechnologies with eight years of experience in the field of Analytical Sciences applied to pharmaceutical analyses. Currently working as Research and Teaching Fellow at the University of Geneva, she is applying and developing analytical workflows for the detailed characterization of innovative therapeutic drugs such as biopharmaceuticals (monoclonal antibodies, ADCs, bi/tri-specific antibodies, Fc-fusion proteins), therapeutic oligonucleotides, and viral vectors. She is author/co-author of +45 publications. Her expertise area includes state-of-the-art analytical technologies in chromatographic techniques and high-resolution mass spectrometry (HPLC, LC/MS, HILIC, RPLC, IEX, SEC, HIC, ESI-QToF-MS, ESI-IMS/MS).
- Dr. Isabelle François (Chromisa Scientific, Belgie)
Isabelle François is the founder and director of Chromisa Scientific, a company based in Belgium. She supports academia as well as industry with demanding chromatography, purification and project management challenges. Since October 2020, Isabelle also works for Thar Process as business development manager. Isabelle conducted her PhD research in the lab of Prof. Pat Sandra at Ghent University in Belgium. During her research, she developed two-dimensional comprehensive fluid-based chromatography approaches (LCxLC and SFCxLC), focusing on the improvement of instrumental hardware. In 2009, she started working at ExxonMobil Chemical. Between 2011 and 2020, she worked for Waters. Her areas of expertise include UHPLC, SFC, preparative chromatography, SFE, comprehensive and heart-cutting 2D chromatography (LC-LC, SFC-LC) with optical detectors and MS, as well as project management. In 2014, she has been recognized by the magazine The Analytical Scientist as one of the most influential scientists under the age of 40 in their Powerlist, and she was part of the 2016 Powerlist as one of the most influential female scientists in the world.
- Dr. Jean-Christophe Garrigue (University Toulouse III, Francie)
Jean-Christophe Garrigues is a CNRS Associate Researcher at IMRCP Laboratory, Toulouse University, France. Member of the SMODD team, he works in two research areas: the development of new supramolecular materials for sample preparation and the development of property/structure models, through the analysis of retention mechanisms and chemometrics. He joined the CNRS and the IMRCP laboratory after its Ph.D. obtained in 1997. He is co-founder of Innovchem Company, which develops sample preparation and water purification green materials. From 2017 to 2020, he has been president of the French group for separative sciences (AFSEP) which organizes scientific meetings, a national congress every two years (SEP congress) and is associated with international analytical congresses.
- Dr. David Jaime Cocovi-Solberg (University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences of Vienna, Rakousko)
David J. Cocovi-Solberg obtained his Ph. D. in Chemical science and technology in 2017, with his thesis focused mental analysis, with focus on Sequential Injection Analysis and Bead Injection methodologies applied to bioaccessibility processes in clinical and environmental samples. Afterwards he received a Lise Meitner fellowship for a postdoc position in the University of Natural resources and Life Sciences in Vienna, where he currently holds a Senior Scientist position. The initial research focused on the application of the previously mentioned flow techniques in the frame of exposome evaluation. His research lines have consolidated in the design of miniaturized and portable analytical instrumentation suitable for in-field analysis, mainly inline SPE and chromatography. This research triggered the partnering with several fluidic component manufacturers.
- Dr. David Moreno Gonzalez (University of Jaén, Španělsko)
Dr. David Moreno-Gonzalez obtained his PhD (international label) at the Department of Analytical Chemistry from the University of Granada, Spain, in 2013. He completed his training using different research appointments in Netherlands, Germany and Spain through the competitive Juan de la Cierva program. He was a research associate at the Department of Analytical Chemistry, Faculty of Pharmacy, Charles University (Czech Republic). He was Marie Skłodowska-Curie Post-doc at the Miniaturisation Group of the Leibniz Institute for Analytical Sciences – ISAS (Germany). Currently, he is working at the University of Jaén on olive oil classification using HPLC-MS and CE-MS. Most of his work focuses on the food safety realm, developing analytical methodologies for the determination of organic contaminants in foods. More specifically, his main research topic was the exploitation of the potential of coupling CE, HPLC and nano-LC to MS analyzers as advanced tools for multiresidue quantitative methods of organic contaminants at ultra-trace levels.
- prof. Marcela Segundo (University of Porto, Portugalsko)
Marcela Segundo holds a BSc in Microbiology and a PhD in Biotechnology (College of Biotechnology, Portuguese Catholic University). She is currently the Head of the Analytical Development Group at REQUIMTE, Portuguese Government Associate Laboratory for Green Chemistry, Clean technologies and also member of the Executive Board of Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Porto, where she teaches in the Department of Chemical Sciences. Her current research is focused on automation of sample treatment and on development of high-throughput microchemical methods. Her scientific production (ORCID 0000-0003-2938-0214) comprises 14 book chapters, >130 peer-reviewed papers in international journals (h-index 31). In 2016 she received the FIA Award for Science attributed by the Japanese Association for Flow Injection Analysis. Since 2018, she is the Secretary of the Division of Analytical Chemistry of the European Chemical Society (EuChemS).
- doc. Petr Česla (Univerzita Pardubice)
Petr Česla is associate professor at the University of Pardubice, Faculty of Chemical Technology, where he received Ph.D. in 2007 and finished habilitation in 2016. His research activities include development of liquid phase separation techniques – mainly two-dimensional liquid chromatography, capillary electrophoresis, optimization procedures, and data processing in LC. He has been acting as principal investigator of several projects funded by Czech Science Foundation, focused on two-dimensional LC and CE separations. He published over 40 original research articles in peer-reviewed journals with more than 880 citations and H-index 16. He also co-authored one book and three book chapters.
- Dr. Václav Kašička (Ústav organické chemie a biochemie AV ČR, Praha)
Václav Kašička has received the degree RNDr. in physical chemistry at Charles University in Prague in 1979, and PhD. degree in biochemistry at the Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry, Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, Prague, in 1985. At this Institute, he is the head of the Laboratory of Electromigration Methods since 1995. He is engaged in research and development of electroseparation methods and their application to analysis and characterization of (bio)molecules. He is author/co-author of more than 170 papers in impacted journals, 20 book chapters, and about 150 lectures at the international symposia. He is associated editor of the Journal of Separation Science and the journal Separation Science Plus, member of the editorial boards of several of international journals, e.g. Electrophoresis, Current Analytical Chemistry, Current Chromatography, and Separations, and member of the permanent Scientific Committees of series of the International Symposia ITP YYYY and LACE YYYY. He is the chair of the Chromatography and Electrophoresis Group of the Czech Chemical Society, and the secretary of the Steering Committee of the European Society for Separation Science.
- doc. Ondřej Novák (Ústav experimentální botaniky AV ČR & Přírodovědecká fakulta Univerzity Palackého Olomouc)
Ondřej Novák received his M.Sc. degree in Analytical Chemistry (1999) and Ph.D. in Biology-Botany (2006) from the Palacký University. In the period of 2010 to 2012, he was employed as Postdoc researcher (Prof. K. Ljung’s group) at Umeå Plant Science Centre (Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences). He is currently a senior researcher in the Laboratory of Growth Regulators at the Institute of Experimental Botany of the Czech Academy of Sciences and an associate professor at the Faculty of Science, Palacký University in Olomouc. His research is focused on the study of the metabolism of biologically active compounds (e.g. plant hormones) and the discovery of their role in plant growth and development using biochemical and molecular-biological tools. He also has experience with modern analytical techniques, such as new miniaturized isolation and purification protocols or the development of highly sensitive LC-MS methods. Ondřej is the author and co-author of more than 300 scientific publications (h-index 56). He has presented the scientific works at many international and national conferences, including invited lectures at Lanzhou University (China, 2014), University of London (UK, 2017) or Università degli Studi di Milano (Italy, 2019). His scientific work has been repeatedly awarded by Palacký University and in the last three years he has also been included in the list of “Highly Cited Researchers” in the category “Plant & Animal Science” (Clarivate Analytics, WOS).
- doc. Jiří Urban (Masarykova univerzita, Brno)
Jiří Urban received a Ph.D. degree in 2007 at the University of Pardubice, Czech Republic where he worked until 2016. During 2009-2011 he followed post-doctoral research at the University of California, Berkeley, USA in the group of Frantisek Svec and Jean M. J. Fréchet. In 2017 he moved to the Department of Chemistry, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic, where he became an Associate Professor in 2018. In his research, he utilizes polymer monoliths to develop multifunctional miniaturized analytical systems.
a také mnoho dalších přednášejících spolupracujících či podporujících projekt STARSS.
Farmaceutická fakulta UK v HK/Jan Škop: 5. STARSS konference zaměřená na separační vědy
Celkem zaznělo 23 přednášek, na které navázaly dva workshopy. Dr. Ivona Lhotská a prof. Dalibor Šatínský, oba Farmaceutická fakulta UK, připravili workshop na téma "Pokročilé extrakční techniky s nanovlákny", během kterého představili vývoj online extrakční metody se sorbentem na bázi nanovláken. Dr. Burkhard Horstkotte, FaF UK, připravil workshop na téma "Lab-In-Syringe systém a optimalizace DLLME metody využívající dithizon", na kterém představil, diskutoval a následně prakticky demonstroval možnosti průtokových analytických přístrojů pro výzkum a vývoj nových extrakčních metod.
Farmaceutická fakulta UK v HK/Jan Škop: 5. STARSS konference zaměřená na separační vědy
Páté konference STARSS o separačních vědách se zúčastnilo více než 120 účastníků z Čech i zahraničí (přibližně jedna třetina na místě a dvě třetiny online). Konference bezpochyby pomohla naplnit cíle projektu STARSS – tvorba týmu zabývajícího se pokročilými separačními metodikami a mezinárodní excelenci ve výzkumu, rozšíření povědomí o pracovní skupině STARSS a Farmaceutické fakultě UK, jakož i ke sdílení poznatků mezi zkušenými a mladými vědci.
Farmaceutická fakulta UK v HK/Jan Škop: 5. STARSS konference zaměřená na separační vědy