Konference Bezpečnost potravin 2022 (on-line)
- Foto: Shimadzu: Konference Bezpečnost potravin 2022 (on-line)
- Video: Shimadzu Scientific Instruments: Introduction to the Food Market
Tato virtuální konference bude diskutovat některé ze současných velkých výzev v odvětví analýzy potravin a nápojů. Posouzením a diskusí některých kritických témat tohoto odvětví se snažíme osvětlit věci, které možná nechceme vědět, ale rozhodně bychom vědět měli. Přidejte se k nám a užijte si den objevováním a nalezením řešení pro Vaše výzvy v oblasti bezpečnosti potravin...
10:00 - 10:30: WELCOME & KEYNOTE - Sustainable vs. safe
Global food systems must change drastically over the coming 15 to 20 years to mitigate the worst impacts of the climate and biodiversity crises. These changes will also alter the risk landscape with regard to food safety, creating both new challenges and opportunities. What technologies and approaches can help us achieve win-wins, and how can we manage areas of conflict?
- Moderátor: Josh Minchin (Deputy Editor, New Food)
- Přednášející: Peter Emmrich (Norwich Institute for Sustainable Development, which is part of the University of East Anglia, John Innes Centre)
- Přednášející: Uwe Oppermann (Manager, Shimadzu Europe GmbH)
- Přednášející: Andrew Blackwell (Food and Beverage Marketing Director – Go To Market, Merck)
Shimazdu: Konference Bezpečnost potravin 2022 (on-line): WELCOME & KEYNOTE - Sustainable vs. safe
10:40 - 11:40 PANEL - Sustainable vs. safe - Do we risk having one without the other?
As we strive for ever more sustainable food, do we run the risk of sacrificing our high food safety standards? This discussion will explore new (and old) proteins and the risk for allergens and fraud. The panellists will also be looking at the subject of novel ways of creating foods such as cultured meat and where their ingredients come from. Finally, the experts will address the health risks of pesticides and mycotoxins, as the data shows levels will increase.
- Přednášející: Chris Elliott (Founder, Institute for Global Food Security, Queen's University Belfast)
- Přednášející: Adam Brock (Director of Food Safety, Dairy Farmers of Wisconsin)
- Přednášející: Andrew Blackwell (Food and Beverage Marketing Director – Go To Market, Merck)
- Přednášející: Uwe Oppermann (Manager, Shimadzu Europe GmbH)
- Přednášející: Peter Emmrich (Norwich Institute for Sustainable Development, which is part of the University of East Anglia, John Innes Centre)
- Přednášející: Beth Loberant (Head, Regulatory Affairs Dept., SuperMeat)
Shimazdu: Konference Bezpečnost potravin 2022 (on-line): PANEL: Sustainable vs. safe - Do we risk having one without the other?
Výběr Shimadzu literatury Pesticidy v potravinách 2022 v knihovně LabRulezGCMS
- Smart Pesticides Database™ Ver. 2 (Technické články | 2022)
- Method for the determination of 431 Residual Pesticides in Honey using LCMS-8050 and GCMS-TQ8040 NX (Aplikace | 2022)
- ASMS: Multi-Residue Pesticide Analysisin Honey using GC-MS/MS (Postery | 2022)
- Method Package Guidebook (Příručky | 2022)
- Dioxin analysis in food and environmental samples (Prezentace | 2022)
- “Quō vādis POPs testing?” (Prezentace | 2022)
- AOAC: Multi-Residue Pesticide Analysis in Honey using GC-MS/MS (Postery | 2022)
11:50 - 12:20: Solutions for Analysis of Ethylene Oxide in Food samples by GCMS
- Přednášející: Waldemar Weber (Product Manager, Shimadzu Europa GmbH)
- Přednášející: Nerea Lorenzo Parodi (Product Specialist GC-MS, Shimadzu Europa)
12:30 - 13:30: PANEL - Is it me you're looking for? The challenges of untargeted testing
We're very good at looking for things that people have found once, but when it comes to unknowns, we're in need of a bit of work. Here's everything you need to know about the gaps that need plugging.
- Moderátor: Bert Popping (Managing Director, Co-Owner, FOCOS)
- Přednášející: Waldemar Weber (Product Manager, Shimadzu Europa GmbH)
- Přednášející: Egidijus Machtejevas (Sr. Technical Advisor, Analytical Chromatography Workflows, Merck)
- Přednášející: Di Wu (Lecturer, School of Biological Sciences, Queen's University Belfast)
- Přednášející: John Szpylka (President AOAC INTERNATIONAL; Chemistry R&D Manager, Food Safety Net Services)
- Přednášející: Alina Mihailova (Food Safety and Control Laboratory, Joint FAO/IAEA Centre of Nuclear Techniques in Food and Agriculture, International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA))
Shimazdu: Konference Bezpečnost potravin 2022 (on-line): PANEL - Is it me you're looking for. The challenges of untargeted testing
14:15 - 15:15: PANEL - Why do MRLs differ around the world and how can we bring them into line?
Heavy metals and sample variation - it's not just limits that need harmonisation but the techniques too!
- Moderátor: Eileen Abt (Chemist, U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA))
- Přednášející: Andre Silva (Field Marketing Specialist – Cannabis & F&B, Merck)
- Přednášející: Tom Neltner (Senior Director, Safer Chemicals, Environmental Defense Fund (EDF))
- Přednášející: Spencer Henson (Professor, Department of Food, Agricultural & Resource Economics, University of Guelph)
- Přednášející: Jane Houlihan (Research Director, Healthy Babies Bright Future)
- Přednášející: Attila Nagy (Director, Codex Alimentarius CCMAS)
- Přednášející: Prof. Dr. Jürgen Schram (Professor, Krefeld University of Applied sciences)
Shimazdu: Konference Bezpečnost potravin 2022 (on-line): PANEL - Why do MRLs differ around the world and how can we bring them into line?
15:25 - 15:55: Memorable Mycotoxins
Memorable mycotoxins: Global regulatory cases and a troublesome past Mycotoxins are historically a global issue with food safety implications that span across many different regional authorities. Our experts based in North America and the EU will explore some regulatory case studies of mycotoxin events with international impact.
- Přednášející: Diana Spitznagel (Regulatory Expert F&B, Merck KGa)
- Přednášející: Sally Powell Price (Regulatory Expert F&B, Milliporesigma)
16:00 - 17:00 PANEL - Marching mycotoxins
Will climate change bring about new food safety risks for some regions?
- Přednášející: Sally Powell Price (Regulatory Expert F&B, Milliporesigma)
- Přednášející: Chris Elliott (Founder, Institute for Global Food Security, Queen's University Belfast)
- Přednášející: Michele Suman (Head of Food Chemistry & Safety Research Unit, Barilla G.R.F.lli SpA)
- Přednášející: Paola Battilani (Full professor in Plant Pathology, Universita Cattolica del Sacro Cuore (UCSC))
- Přednášející: Susan Blount (Global SRA Director Mars Inc, Mars Incorporated)
- Přednášející: Jonathan McGeehan (C-MS/MS & EFS Market Specialist, Shimadzu)
Shimazdu: Konference Bezpečnost potravin 2022 (on-line): PANEL - Marching mycotoxins
17:10 - 17:50: Product demo: Microbial monitoring in Infant formula
Presentation on how to monitor for microbial contamination in infant formula and product demo on the ReadyStream® System for culture media preparation
17:50 - 18:50: PANEL - Mosh-pionage: Sneaky ways MOSH/MOAH infiltrate our foods
Could new ways of packaging our foods actually be providing a secret entrance for undercover MOSH/MOAH agents? And just how safe is infant formula? Find out about the potential hazards of these sneaky mineral oils.
- Přednášející: Uwe Oppermann (Manager, Shimadzu Europe GmbH)
- Přednášející: Yanqi Qu (F&B Technology Specialist, MilliporeSigma)
- Přednášející: Stefanka Bratinova (Scientific support Officer, European comission)
- Přednášející: Erich Leitner (Food Chemist, Graz University of Technology)
- Přednášející: Andreas Bruchmann (Managing Director, Axel Semrau)
Shimazdu: Konference Bezpečnost potravin 2022 (on-line): PANEL - Mosh-pionage: Sneaky ways MOSH/MOAH infiltrate our foods
Výběr Shimadzu literatury pro analýzu MOSH/MOAH v potravinách v knihovně LabRulezGCMS
- Determination of Mineral Oil Hydrocarbons in Rice and Noodles using LC-GC Online Technique (Postery | 2018)
- RAFA: Non-Intentionally Added Substances in Food and Food Contact Material – Determination of Mineral Oil Hydrocarbons with LC-GC Online Technique (Postery | 2017)
- Determination of Mineral Oil Saturated and Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Edible Oil by Liquid-liquid-gas Chromatography with Dual Detection (Aplikace | 2016)
- Mineral Oil Residues in Food Part 4 - Removing Natural Occurring Alkanes (Aplikace | 2018)
- Mineral Oil Residues in Food - Part 2 - Automated Removal of Natural Interferences by Online Epoxidation (Aplikace | 2018)
- Mineral Oil Residues in Food Sample Preparation - Part 3 - Fract and Collect (Aplikace | 2018)
- Mineral Oil Residues in Food: Part 5 - How to choose the right sample preparation (Aplikace | 2018)
- Determination of MOSH Contamination in Baby Foods by Using LC–GC and LC–GC×GC–MS (Technické články | 2015)
- Complete compilation of applications for food analysis (Příručky | 2019)
19:00 - 19:30: Determination of PFAS in Food and environmental samples using LCMS-8060NX
- Přednášející: Anja Grüning (Product Specialist LCMS, Shimadzu Europa GmbH)
19:40 - 20:40: PANEL - Have we moved on since Dark Waters?
After 2019's Dark Waters brought the full scale of the DuPont PFAS disaster to millions around the world, are our current sampling defences enough to prevent this from happening again? In this roundtable we take a look at the policy and where PFAS is occurring within the food system today.
- Přednášející: Yanqi Qu (F&B Technology Specialist, MilliporeSigma)
- Přednášející: Anja Grüning (Product Specialist LCMS, Shimadzu Europa GmbH)
- Přednášející: Robert Bilott (Partner, Taft Stettinius & Hollister)
- Přednášející: Justin Boucher (Operations Director, Food Packaging Forum Foundation)
- Přednášející: Yevgeniya Grebneva (Research Fellow, University of South Australia)
- Přednášející: Melanie Benesh (Vice President of Government Affairs, Environmental Working Group
Shimazdu: Konference Bezpečnost potravin 2022 (on-line): PANEL - Have we moved on since Dark Waters?