AKCE Altium: Promo akce na sorpční trubičky MARKES
St, 25.9.2024
| Originální článek z: Altium/Joanna Hadrová- Foto: Altium - Promo akce na sorpční trubičky MARKES
- Video: Markes International: How to use a TC-20 for conditioning sorbent tubes
Podmínky akce
Kupte dvě balení libovolných sorpčních trubiček a obdržíte 100% slevu na třetí balení.
Platí pro prázdné, pasivní a jednosložkové trubičky:
- Standardní (3,5” x 0,25”) skleněné, nerezové a inertní trubičky,
- DAAMS (4,5” x 6 mm) nerezové a inertní trubičky, včetně kondiciovaných / nekondiciovaných a SafeLok.
Číslo musí začínat prefixem C0- nebo C1-. Možné je vybrat 3 různé trubičky – položka s nejnižší cenou je pak zdarma.
Minimální odběr je 9 balení (zaplatíte 6 balení a 3 balení dostanete zdarma).
Tato nabídka nezahrnuje sorpční trubičky mini-(60 mm x 6 mm), štítkované, vícesložkové ani výrobky na míru.
Nabídka platná do 31.10.2024
Altium: Promo akce na sorpční trubičky MARKES
MARKES nabízí:
- Univerzální trubičky určené pro identifikaci neznámých sloučenin v komplexním vzorku
- Trubičky s jedním sorbentem: pokryté Tenaxem, Carbographem 1TD a dalšími sorbenty
- Multi-bed trubičky: Běžně používané kombinace jsou Tenax/Carbograph 5TD, Carbopack Y/Carbopack B/Carboxen 1003
- Trubičky pro specifické aplikace: trubičky pokryté (a kondiciované) dle specifických metod: AirToxicspro EPA TO-17, US EPA 325…
- Prázdné trubičky: pro pokročilé uživatele se zkušenostmi a vlastním vybavením pro plnění nebo pro přímou desorpci kapalin a pevných látek.
- Uzávěry kompatibilní s průmyslovými trubičkami (vnitřní průměr 6,35 mm):
- Dlouhodobé skladovací uzávěry z mosazi nebo hliníku typu Swagelok
- Krátkodobé skladovací uzávěry známé také jako push on caps (ne pro přístroje)
- Difuzní uzávěry pro pasivní vzorkování
Sorpční trubičky MARKES (Promo akce 3za2)
- Seznam produktů v akci (pdf)
- C0-AXXA-0000 Empty, stainless steel thermal desorption tubes, e
- C0-AXXX-0000 Empty, stainless steel thermal desorption tubes, p
- C0-BXXX-0000 Empty, glass tubes, pk 10
- C0-CXXA-0000 Empty, inert coated stainless steel thermal desorp
- C0-CXXX-0000 Empty, inert coated tubes, pk 10
- C0-FXXX-0000 Empty, unrestricted glass tubes, pk 10
- C0-NXXX-0000 Empty, direct desorption, glass tubes, pk 10
- C0-TXX-0000 Empty TD Mini-tubes, 60mm x 6mm, pk 5
- C1-AAXA-5005 Tenax GR, stainless steel tubes, custom etched, co
- C1-AAXA-5009 Carbograph 1TD, stainless steel tubes, custom etch
- C1-AAXA-5020 Carbopack X, stainless steel tubes, custom etched,
- C1-AAXA-5025 Tenax TA, 60/80 mesh, stainless steel tubes, condi
- C1-AAXA-5153 HayeSep D, stainless steel tubes, custom etched, c
- C1-AAXX-5005 Tenax GR, stainless steel tubes, conditioned/cappe
- C1-AAXX-5007 Molecular Sieve 5A, stainless steel tubes, conditi
- C1-AAXX-5008 Carbograph 1TD 20/40 mesh, stainless steel tubes,
- C1-AAXX-5009 Carbograph 1TD, stainless steel tubes, conditioned
- C1-AAXX-5010 Carbograph 1TD, 60/80 mesh, stainless steel therma
- C1-AAXX-5012 Carbograph 2TD, stainless steel tubes, conditioned
- C1-AAXX-5015 Carbograph 5TD, stainless steel tubes, conditioned
- C1-AAXX-5016 Carbotrap B, stainless steel tubes, conditioned/ca
- C1-AAXX-5017 Carbopack B, stainless steel tubes, conditioned/ca
- C1-AAXX-5020 Carbopack X, stainless steel tubes, conditioned/ca
- C1-AAXX-5021 Carbopack X, 60/80 mesh, stainless steel tubes, co
- C1-AAXX-5022 Porapak Q, stainless steel thermal desorption tube
- C1-AAXX-5023 Porapak N, stainless steel thermal desorption tube
- C1-AAXX-5025 Tenax TA, 60/80 mesh, stainless steel tubes, condi
- C1-AAXX-5026 Tenax GR, 60/80 mesh, stainless steel tubes, condi
- C1-AAXX-5027 Carboxen 1000, stainless steel tubes, conditioned/
- C1-AAXX-5028 CarboSieve S-III, stainless steel tubes, condition
- C1-AAXX-5029 Carboxen 569, stainless steel tubes, conditioned/c
- C1-AAXX-5153 HayeSep D, stainless steel tubes, conditioned/capp
- C1-AAXX-5277 Carboxen 1003, stainless steel tubes, conditioned/
- C1-AAXX-5312 SulfiCarb, stainless steel tubes, conditioned/capp
- C1-ACAX-5015 Carbograph 5TD*, stainless steel tubes, TubeTAG, c
- C1-ACAX-5020 Carbopack X, stainless steel tubes, TubeTAG, condi
- C1-ACAX-5025 Tenax TA, 60/80 mesh, stainless steel tubes, TubeT
- C1-AXAX-5020 Carbopack X, stainless steel tubes, TubeTAG, pk 10
- C1-AXAX-5025 Tenax TA, 60/80 mesh, stainless steel tubes, TubeT
- C1-AXXA-5005 Tenax GR*, stainless steel thermal desorption tube
- C1-AXXA-5009 Carbograph 1TD, stainless steel tubes, custom etch
- C1-AXXA-5020 Carbopack X, stainless steel tubes, custom etched,
- C1-AXXA-5025 Tenax TA, 60/80 mesh, stainless steel tubes, custom etche
- C1-AXXA-5027 Carboxen 1000, stainless steel tubes, custom etche
- C1-AXXA-5321 Carbograph 4TD, stainless steel tubes, custom etch
- C1-AXXX-5005 Tenax GR, stainless steel tubes, pk 10
- C1-AXXX-5006 Molecular Sieve 13X, stainless steel thermal desor
- C1-AXXX-5007 Molecular Sieve 5A, stainless steel tubes, pk 10
- C1-AXXX-5009 Carbograph 1TD, stainless steel tubes, pk 10
- C1-AXXX-5012 Carbograph 2TD, stainless steel tubes, pk 10
- C1-AXXX-5015 Carbograph 5TD, stainless steel tubes, pk 10
- C1-AXXX-5016 Carbotrap B, stainless steel tubes, pk 10
- C1-AXXX-5017 Carbopack B, stainless steel tubes, pk 10
- C1-AXXX-5020 Carbopack X, stainless steel tubes, pk 10
- C1-AXXX-5022 Porapak Q, stainless steel thermal desorption tube
- C1-AXXX-5023 Porapak N, stainless steel thermal desorption tube
- C1-AXXX-5025 Tenax TA, 60/80 mesh, stainless steel tubes, pk 10
- C1-AXXX-5026 Tenax GR, 60/80 mesh, stainless steel tubes, pk 10
- C1-AXXX-5027 Carboxen 1000, stainless steel tubes, pk 10
- C1-AXXX-5028 CarboSieve S-III, stainless steel tubes, pk 10
- C1-AXXX-5029 Carboxen 569, stainless steel tubes, pk10
- C1-AXXX-5153 HayeSep D, stainless steel tubes, pk 10
- C1-AXXX-5159 Tnx TA, 20/35 mesh, stainless steel tubes, pk 10
- C1-AXXX-5277 Carboxen 1003, stainless steel tubes, pk 10
- C1-AXXX-5312 SulfiCarb, stainless steel tubes, pk 10
- C1-AXXX-5321 Carbograph 4TD, stainless steel tubes, pk 10
- C1-AXXX-5365 Carbograph 1TD, 150mg, 40/60 mesh, stainless steel
- C1-AXXX-5374 Carbograph 2TD, 40/60 mesh, stainless steel tubes,
- C1-BAXX-5041 Tenax GR, glass tubes, conditioned/capped, pk10
- C1-BAXX-5044 Carbograph 1TD, 20/40 mesh, glass tubes, condition
- C1-BAXX-5045 Carbograph 1TD, glass tubes, conditioned/capped, p
- C1-BAXX-5051 Carbograph 5TD, glass tubes, conditioned/capped, p
- C1-BAXX-5056 Carbopack X, glass tubes, conditioned/capped, pk10
- C1-BAXX-5058 Porapak Q, glass thermal desorption tubes, conditi
- C1-BAXX-5061 Tenax TA, 60/80 mesh, glass tubes, conditioned/cap
- C1-BAXX-5065 Carboxen 569, glass tubes, conditioned/capped, pk1
- C1-BAXX-5170 HayeSep D, glass thermal desorption tubes, conditi
- C1-BAXX-5313 SulfiCarb, glass tubes, conditioned/capped, pk10
- C1-BAXX-5356 100mg Tenax TA, 35/60 mesh, glass thermal desorpti
- C1-BXXX-5041 Tenax GR, glass tubes, pk 10
- C1-BXXX-5044 Carbograph 1TD, 20/40 mesh, glass tubes, pk10
- C1-BXXX-5045 Carbograph 1TD, glass tubes, pk 10
- C1-BXXX-5051 Carbograph 5TD, glass tubes, pk 10
- C1-BXXX-5055 Carbopack C, glass thermal desorption tubes, condi
- C1-BXXX-5056 Carbopack X, glass tubes, pk 10
- C1-BXXX-5061 Tnx TA, 60/80 mesh, glass tubes, pk 10
- C1-BXXX-5064 Tube, Glass, Carbosieve SIII, pk 10
- C1-BXXX-5170 HayeSep D, glass thermal desorption tubes, pk 10
- C1-BXXX-5313 SulfiCarb, glass tubes, pk 10
- C1-BXXX-5351 Silica Gel, 40/60 mesh, glass tubes, pk10
- C1-CAXA-5005 Tenax GR, inert coated tubes, custom etched, condi
- C1-CAXA-5009 Carbograph 1TD, inert coated tubes, custom etched,
- C1-CAXA-5015 Carbograph 5TD*, 40/60 mesh, inert coated stainles
- C1-CAXX-5005 Tenax GR, inert coated tubes, conditioned/capped,
- C1-CAXX-5007 Molecular Sieve 5A, inert coated tubes, conditione
- C1-CAXX-5009 Carbograph 1TD, inert coated tubes, conditioned/ca
- C1-CAXX-5012 Carbograph 2TD, inert coated tubes, conditioned/ca
- C1-CAXX-5015 Carbograph 5TD*, 40/60 mesh, inert coated stainles
- C1-CAXX-5022 Porapak Q, inert coated stainless steel thermal de
- C1-CAXX-5025 Tnx TA, 60/80 mesh, inert coated tubes, conditione
- C1-CAXX-5027 Carboxen 1000, inert coated tubes, conditioned/cap
- C1-CAXX-5028 Carbosieve SIII, inert coated tubes, conditioned/c
- C1-CAXX-5153 HayeSep D, inert coated tubes, conditioned/capped,
- C1-CAXX-5159 Tenax TA, 20/35 mesh, inert coated stainless steel
- C1-CAXX-5277 Carboxen 1003, inert coated tubes, conditioned/cap
- C1-CAXX-5312 SulfiCarb inert coated tubes, conditioned/capped,
- C1-CAXX-5352 Silica Gel, 40/60 mesh, inert coated tubes, condit
- C1-CXXX-5005 Tenax GR, inert coated tubes, pk 10
- C1-CXXX-5007 Molecular Sieve 5A, inert coated tubes, pk 10
- C1-CXXX-5009 Carbograph 1TD, inert coated tubes, pk10
- C1-CXXX-5015 Carbograph 5TD, inert coated tubes, pk10
- C1-CXXX-5022 Porapak Q, inert coated stainless steel thermal de
- C1-CXXX-5025 Tenax TA, 60/80 mesh, inert coated tubes, pk 10
- C1-CXXX-5027 Carboxen 1000, inert coated tubes, pk 10
- C1-CXXX-5028 Carbosieve SIII, inert coated tubes, pk10
- C1-CXXX-5029 Carboxen 569, inert coated tubes, pk 10
- C1-CXXX-5153 HayeSep D, inert coated tubes, pk 10
- C1-CXXX-5159 Tenax TA, 20/35 mesh, inert coated tubes, pk 10
- C1-CXXX-5277 Carboxen 1003, inert coated tubes, pk 10
- C1-CXXX-5312 SulfiCarb inert coated tubes, pk 10
- C1-CXXX-5352 Silica Gel, 40/60 mesh, inert coated tubes, pk10
- C1-DAXX-5009 Carbograph 1TD, SafeLok, stainless steel tubes, co
- C1-DAXX-5020 Carbopack X, SafeLok, stainless steel tubes, condi
- C1-DXXX-5015 Carbograph 5TD*, 40/60 mesh, SafeLok, stainless st
- C1-EAXA-5016 Carbotrap B, SafeLok, inert coated stainless steel
- C1-ECAX-5277 Carboxen 1003, SafeLok, inert coated stainless ste
- C1-AAXX-5014 Carbograph 5TD, stainless steel tubes, conditioned
- C1-TGX-5386 Tenax TA, TD Mini-tubes with caps, 60mm x 6mm, pk
- C1-TGX-5402 Tenax GR, TD Mini-tubes with caps, 60mm x 6mm, pk
- C1-TXX-5386 Tenax TA, TD Mini-tubes, 60mm x 6mm, pk 5
- C1-TXX-5402 Tenax GR, TD Mini-tubes, 60mm x 6mm, pk 5
- C1-AAXA-5003 Tenax TA, stainless steel tubes, custom etched,
- C1-AAXX-5003 Tenax TA, stainless steel tubes, conditioned/capped
- C1-ACAA-5003 Tnx TA, stainless steel tubes, conditioned/capped,
- C1-ACAX-5003 Tenax TA, stainless steel tubes, TubeTAG, conditioned/capped
- C1-AXAX-5003 Tenax TA, stainless steel tubes, TubeTAG, pk 10
- C1-AXXA-5003 Tenax TA, stainless steel tubes, custom etched, pk
- C1-AXXX-5003 Tenax TA, stainless steel tubes, pk 10
- C1-BAXX-5039 Tenax TA, glass tubes, conditioned/capped, pk10
- C1-BXXX-5039 Tenax TA, glass tubes, pk 10
- C1-CAXA-5003 Tenax TA, inert coated tubes, custom etched, condi
- C1-CAXX-5003 Tenax TA, inert coated tubes, conditioned/capped,
- C1-CAXX-5020 EPA 325, inert coated tubes, conditioned/capped, p
- C1-CCAX-5003 Tenax TA, inert coated tubes, TubeTAG, conditioned
- C1-CCAX-5020 EPA 325, inert coated tubes, TubeTAG, conditioned/
- C1-CXAX-5020 EPA 325, inert coated tubes, TubeTAG, pk 10
- C1-CXXA-5003 Tenax TA, inert coated tubes, custom etched, pk 10
- C1-CXXA-5020 EPA 325, inert coated tubes, custom etched, pk 10
- C1-CXXX-5003 Tenax TA, inert coated tubes, pk 10
- C1-CXXX-5020 EPA 325, inert coated tubes, pk 10
- C1-DAXX-5003 Tenax TA, SafeLok, stainless steel tubes, conditioned
- C1-DXXX-5003 Tenax TA, SafeLok, stainless steel tubes, pk 10
- C1-EAXA-5003 Tenax TA, SafeLok, inert coated tubes, conditioned
- C1-EAXX-5003 Tenax TA, SafeLok, inert coated tubes, conditioned
- C1-EAXX-5020 EPA 325, SafeLok, inert coated tubes, conditioned/
- C1-EXXA-5003 Tenax TA, SafeLok, inert coated tubes, etched, pk1
- C1-EXXX-5003 Tenax TA, SafeLok, inert coated tubes, pk 10
Altium International