GC a GCMS webináře - 42. týden
LabRulez - GC a GCMS webináře - 42. týden
V týdnu od 12. října 2020 Vás čekají v oblasti GC a GCMS následující webináře, kterých detaily a registraci najdete v sekci WEBINÁŘE:
1. Phenomenex: Advances in GC for Environmental & Food industry
2. NACRW/Restek: Unlocking the Mystery of Pesticides CRM Stability for Food Analysis and Guide to Reference Material use in Trace Level Analysis
3. Shimadzu: Comprehensive Analysis of Alcohols and Hand Sanitizers – Regulatory Compliance and Analytical Efficiency
4. SelectScience: Real-time forensic drug analysis using direct ionization mass spectrometry
5. Agilent Technologies: Looking beyond the polymer: Characterisation of Microplastics by Thermal Desorption GC/MS
6. Agilent Technologies: Advance Your Lab Operation: Why instrument utilization data is critical in your asset lifecycle strategy
7. Agilent Technologies: Dual Column Dual FID Forensic Analysis of Blood Alcohol
8. LCGC/Thermo Fisher Scientific: Overcoming the Challenges of Nitrosamine Impurities in Drugs
9. Shimadzu: For the Love of Food! Food Safety and the Analysis of MCPD in Edible Oils
10. GERSTEL: What's the Potential for Rapid, Breath-Based Diagnosis of Viral Respiratory Infections and other Diseases? Session 1- Discovery
11. Agilent Technologies: Applying mutlideminsional GCxGC to High Resolution GC/MS in profiling flavour compounds
12. LCGC/Agilent Technologies: Recent Advances In The Routine Analysis of Dioxins in Food and Environmental Samples
13. GERSTEL: What's the Potential for Rapid, Breath-Based Diagnosis of Viral Respiratory Infections and other Diseases? Session 2- Validation
14. Agilent Technologies: Nitrosamine virtual Interest Group Meeting
15. Thermo Fisher Scientific: Enhanced Aroma Profiling of Adult Beverages using Immersive High-capacity Sorptive Extraction with TD-GC-MS
16. Thermo Fisher Scientific: Whisky Galore! Chemical Profiling and Differential Analysis
17. Thermo Fisher Scientific: How SPME Keeps Revolutionizing the Analysis of Volatile Compounds in Wine
18. Separation Science/Agilent Technologies: Quality Control of Hand Sanitizers: Analysis and Identification of Listed Impurities following USP <611> and ASTM D3695 Method Recommendations using Agilent SMART GC
19. Agilent Technologies: Don’t Let Inlet Breakdown Shut You Down: The Importance of Flow path Inertness