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Determination of pesticides and persistent organic pollutants in honey by accelerated solvent extraction and GC-MS/MS


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Determination of pesticides and persistent organic pollutants in honey by accelerated solvent extraction and GC-MS/MS
CUSTOMER APPLICATION NOTE Fabrizio Galbiati1, Sara Panseri2, Giuseppe Labella2, Annamaria Giorgi2, Radmila Pavlovic2, Sonia Bonacci2, Francesco Arioli2, Luca Chiesa2; 1 Thermo Fisher Scientific (Schweiz) AG, Reinach, Switzerland; 2University of Milan, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Milan, Italy Keywords: Pressurized fluid extraction,…
Klíčová slova
honey, honeytrentino, trentinoextraction, extractionheptachlor, heptachlorpesticides, pesticidesendosulfan, endosulfanase, asehch, hchaccelerated, acceleratedcalabria, calabriaalto, altofrom, frompcbs, pcbsfish, fishitaly
|GL Sciences|Aplikace
CUSTOMER APPLICATION NOTE Fabrizio Galbiati1, Sara Panseri2, Giuseppe Labella2, Annamaria Giorgi2, Radmila Pavlovic2, Sonia Bonacci2, Francesco Arioli2, Luca Chiesa2; 1 Thermo Fisher Scientific (Schweiz) AG, Reinach, Switzerland; 2University of Milan, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Milan, Italy Keywords: Pressurized fluid extraction,…
Klíčová slova
honey, honeytrentino, trentinoextraction, extractionheptachlor, heptachlorpesticides, pesticidesendosulfan, endosulfanase, asehch, hchaccelerated, acceleratedcalabria, calabriaalto, altofrom, frompcbs, pcbsfish, fishitaly
Determination of Persistent Organic Pollutants in Fish Tissues by Accelerated Solvent Extraction and GC-MS/MS
UNIVERSITY OF MILAN, Determination of Persistent Organic Pollutants in Fish Tissues by Accelerated Solvent Extraction and GC-MS/MS Fabrizio Galbiati1, Luca Chiesa2, Giuseppe Labella2, Radmila Pavlovic2, Francesco Arioli2, Sara Panseri2 Thermo Fisher Scientific (Schweiz) AG, Reinach, Switzerland 2 University of Milan,…
Klíčová slova
extraction, extractionaccelerated, acceleratedfish, fishhch, hchsolvent, solventpbdes, pbdesase, aseether, etherheptachlor, heptachlortuna, tunafao, faopcbs, pcbsendosulfan, endosulfanfood, foodion
Determination of persistent organic pollutants in fish tissues by EXTREVA ASE system and GC-MS/MS
Customer application note | 001959 Sample preparation Determination of persistent organic pollutants in fish tissues by EXTREVA ASE system and GC-MS/MS Authors Goal Giacomo Mosconi , Fabrizio Galbiati , To demonstrate a method for the determination of persistent organic pollutants…
Klíčová slova
ase, aseextraction, extractionais, aislfa, lfaendosulfan, endosulfanion, ionsolvent, solventsep, sepextreva, extrevaddt, ddtquantifier, quantifierfish, fishheptachlor, heptachlorcollision, collisionque
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