Identifying Disinfection Byproducts in Treated Water
Aplikace | 2015 | LECOInstrumentace
ZaměřeníŽivotní prostředí
VýrobceAgilent Technologies, LECO
Klíčová slovahrt, pegasus, leco, hrd, ionization, chemical, mass, science, life, identification, bramd, pyridinamine, unknowns, delivering, dibromo, elemental, swimming, solutions, electron, compute, right, differentiating, ion, elucidate, tentative, disinfection, chromatof, byproducts, defect, data, scaled, acquisition, adduct, facilitated, resolution, produces, mode, treated, characteristic, identifying, deconvolution, discovery, analysis, temperature, leading, raw, advantage, gas, search, ppm
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Identifying Unknown Chemicals and Disinfection Byproducts in Swimming Pools and Hot Tubs
Identifying Unknown Chemicals and Disinfection Byproducts in Swimming Pools and Hot Tubs Jonathan D. Byer1, Susan D. Richardson2, Eric J. Daiber2, Sridevi Anduri Chowdary2, Joe Binkley1 , Jeff Patrick1 1LECO Corporation, St Joseph, MI USA | 2Department of Chemistry and…
Klíčová slova
water, watertub, tubswimming, swimmingaic, aicpool, poolhot, hottic, ticsimilarity, similarityformula, formuladefect, defectmethyla, methylatap, tapunknowns, unknownsemx, emxhrt
2020|LECO|Brožury a specifikace
® PEGASUS GC-HRT EMPOWERING RESULTS + LECO’s PEGASUS GC-HRT + The ultimate analytical instrument for increased confidence in the identification of components in your most complex samples. For complete patent information, see specification sheet 209-212-001. Build Your Confidence Further Industry…
Klíčová slova
pegasus, pegasushrt, hrthrd, hrddeconvolution, deconvolutionefp, efpffp, ffpion, ionyour, yourkadas, kadashigh, highdefect, defectspectral, spectralgridless, gridlessgcxgc, gcxgcpatented
2019|LECO|Brožury a specifikace
® PEGASUS GC-HRT EMPOWERING RESULTS + LECO’s PEGASUS GC-HRT + The ultimate analytical instrument for increased confidence in the identification of components in your most complex samples. For complete patent information, see specification sheet 209-212-001. Build Your Confidence Further Industry…
Klíčová slova
pegasus, pegasushrt, hrthrd, hrddeconvolution, deconvolutionefp, efpffp, ffpion, ionyour, yourkadas, kadashigh, highdefect, defectspectral, spectralgridless, gridlessgcxgc, gcxgcpatented
The Use of Accurate Mass Peak Filters to Detect and Identify New Disinfection Byproducts in Swimming Pools and Spas
The Use of Accurate Mass Peak Filters to Detect and Identify New Disinfection Byproducts in Swimming Pools and Spas Jonathan D. Byer1, Eric J. Daiber2, Sridevi A. Ravuri2, Joe Binkley1, Susan D. Richardson2 1 LECO Corporation, St. Joseph, MI USA…
Klíčová slova
brcl, brclunclassified, unclassifiedswimming, swimmingclass, classclassification, classificationfilters, filtersarea, areahrd, hrdmass, masspeak, peaktotal, totalpool, poolchromtof, chromtofdeconvoluted, deconvolutedmonoisotope