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Phenomenex je přední světový technologický lídr, který se zavázal vyvíjet nová řešení v analytické chemii, které řeší požadavky výzkumníku na separaci a čištění v průmyslových, státních a akademických laboratořích. Od léčiv a farmaceutického vývoje přes diagnostiku nemocí, bezpečnost potravin až po analýzu životního prostředí - chromatografická řešení Phenomenex zrychlují vědu a pomáhají vědcům zlepšovat globální zdraví a pohodu.
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Cannabis Q+A Series! Residual Solvents Most Common Challenges

ZÁZNAM | Proběhlo Čt, 28.10.2021
Připojte se k živé diskusi s odborníky společnosti Phenomenex o problémech, s nimiž se potýká průmysl testování konopí.
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Pixabay/Terre Di Cannabis: Residual Solvents Most Common Challenges

Pixabay/Terre Di Cannabis: Residual Solvents Most Common Challenges

We will be addressing all of your burning questions, and there will be an opportunity to ask questions live. Expect an in-depth, stimulating conversation!

Residual Solvents Most Common Challenges

Explore solutions to challenges and the most common issues in residual solvents analysis.

Moderator: Dr. Richard Jack (Global Market Development Manager, Food and Environmental, Phenomenex)

Richard Jack is the Global Market Development manager for the environmental and food markets at Phenomenex corporation. He has over 18 yrs. experience with chromatography and mass spectrometry for the environmental, food, cannabis, semiconductor, chemical, and pharmaceutical industries. Richard has collaborated with global regulatory agencies to develop validated methods through new applications, instrumentation, column chemistries, and software. He is a former EPA Scientific Advisor for the EPA’s panel on Hydraulic Fracturing, a coauthor for EPA 557 and 557.1 along with ASTM D8001 and updates to D4327 and D6919 methods. He is currently the Second Vice Chairman for the ASTM D19 subcommittee on water analysis. Previously Richard was a Vertical marketing manager with Thermo Fisher Scientific, Dionex and Hitachi High Technologies where he designed analytical instrumentation, including IC and HPLC systems, pumps, autosamplers, and a variety of detectors. He received his Ph.D. in biochemistry and anaerobic microbiology from Virginia Tech University in Blacksburg, VA, He received his Master’s in ecology from the University of Tennessee in Knoxville, TN.

Presenter: Sean Orlowicz

Sean Orlowicz has been working in the field of analytical chemistry for over 17 years. After receiving his degree in Chemistry from the University of Illinois at Chicago, he started his career in large scale synthesis, using HPLC and GC techniques in reaction monitoring and purification. Sean took this experience to Phenomenex in 2003, working on site with clients worldwide on method development, troubleshooting and method transfer. Sean explored instrumentation for a few years, growing to specialize in LCMS, before returning to Phenomenex to help build and manage Phenomenex’ new applications laboratory. There he drove innovation in chromatographic method development for many market segments. In 2017, Sean took on a Business Development role aimed at driving new solutions and support for the Cannabis testing markets, and has lead many efforts to improve analytical solutions for this dynamic market.

Presenter: Zara Jalali

Zara Jalali has been working in the field of analytical chemistry for over 12 years. After receiving her master's degree in chemical engineering-separation sciences from IUST, Zara started her career in Pacific Toxicology laboratories, where she Performed variety of testing on biological samples using GC, GC-MS, LC, LC-MS, and ICP-MS instrumentation. In past 12 years she has been working in clinical, environmental, forensic toxicology and cannabis fields in positions of chemist, toxicologist, scientist, and director. Zara joined Phenomenex in 2020, mainly focusing on environmental, food and cannabis applications. She has been helping the costumers and the team with finding new solutions for the Cannabis testing markets while trying to improve analytical solutions for this dynamic market.

Presenter: Zachary Woodward

Zachary Woodward is a Technical Specialist with Phenomenex, Inc, assisting laboratories in the bio-pharma, environmental, and food industries. He regularly advises laboratories with project development and method troubleshooting with respect to sample preparation, and both gas and liquid chromatography. Zachary spent his formative years as an analytical and organic chemist at AMRI in Albany, New York, for whom he developed LC and GC methods. He then developed both solid-phase extraction and LC analytical methods in a clinical setting for Focus Diagnostics, after which he took a break from chemistry to teach middle-school science. Zachary received his B.Sci. in Chemistry from the College of William and Mary, was awarded both his Master’s in Chemistry and his Teaching Credential at San Diego State University, and earned his musician callouses from years of playing the bass guitar.

Presenter: Ramkumar Dhandapani, PhD

Ramkumar Dhandapani has been in the chromatography industry for over 17 years with hands-on and troubleshooting experience. He has earnt a Masters and PhD degree in Analytical chemistry from Seton Hall University with specialization in Microextractions, Multidimensional Gas Chromatography and Tandem Mass Specs techniques. He has developed and validated several regulatory compliant methods in Pharmaceutical, Food, Fuels and Environmental industry as well as incorporated method improvement and troubleshooting across a range of separation techniques. Dr. Dhandapani joined Phenomenex in August of 2014 and he serves as the Global Product Manager-Gas Chromatography at Phenomenex. In addition to managing the GC product line, Dr. Dhandapani presents on innovations in Gas Chromatography at various chromatography conference.


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LabRulez s.r.o. Všechna práva vyhrazena. Obsah dostupný pod licencí CC BY-SA 4.0 Uveďte původ-Zachovejte licenci.