Agilent 2020 GC/Q-TOF Virtual User Forum
HPST: Agilent 2020 GC/Q-TOF Virtual User Forum
Letos, kdy je možnost cestovat značně omezena, je toto jedinečná příležitost, jak s ostatními uživateli sdílet novinky, pokroky ve vývoji aplikací, dozvědět se o nejnovějších softwarových nástrojích či zjistit další tipy pro zlepšení práce.
Program bude pokrývat široké spektrum aplikačních oblastí od metabolomiky, dopingové kontroly, bezpečnosti a autenticity potravin až po životního prostředí.
Připojte se k nám 7. října v 10:30 a nezmeškejte živé vysílání s následnou diskusí.
Živé vysílání v 15:00 - The role of GC/Q-TOF in the engineering of high-value small molecules in baker’s yeast
Speaker: Dr. Tessa Moses, Metabolomics Specialist, EdinOmics, The University of Edinburgh, UK
Živé vysílání v 16:00 - Comprehensive Profiling of Environmental Contaminants in Waste Water Effluent Surface Water Using High-Resolution GC/Q-TOF
Speaker: Sofia Nieto, GC/Q-TOF Application Chemist, Agilent, USA
Přehled On-Demant prezentací, které budou k dispozici od 7. 10. Nezapomeňte se proto zaregistrovat.
Low level target screening for pollutants in environmental waters using automated extraction and Accurate Mass GC/MS
Speaker: John Quick, ALS Environmental, UK
Comprehensive Detection of Nitrated Organics by GC/Q-TOF
Speaker: Prof, Xinghua Qui, Peking University, China
Screening of Plastic additives & organic contaminants in microplastics exposed to the marine environment by HRAM Q-TOF
Speaker: Jose Benito Quintana, University de Santiago de Compostela, Spain
From Recent to Roman – Analysis of modern and archaeological lipid samples by high temperature GC/Q-TOF MS
Speaker: Prof Simon Hammann, Friedrich Alexander University, Erlangen, Germany
Applying GCxGC/Q-TOF to rum flavour profiling
Speaker: Paul O'Nion, Senior Associate Principal Scientist at Reading Scientific Services Ltd, UK
A novel approach to assess the authenticity and quality of Scotch Whisky by HRAM GC/MS
Speaker: Michal Stupák, Ph.D., University of Chemistry and Technology Prague, Czech Republic
Workflow for Food Authenticity Using Yerba Mate and High-Resolution GC/Q-TOF
Speaker: Sofia Nieto, GC/Q-TOF Application Chemist, Agilent, USA
Exploring the Capabilities - GCxGC/Q-TOF
Speaker: Teun de Joode, Future Flavour Group, Unilever, The Netherlands
Unveiling the capabilities of Q-TOF GC/MS in metabolomic studies applied to rheumatoid arthritis
Speaker: Fernanda Ray Stolle, CEMBIO, Spain
Automated extraction and GC/Q-TOF analysis of Nitrosamines in active pharmaceutical ingredients
Speaker: Colin Hastie, Anatune UK
Using GC & LC HRMS screening to elucidate emerging environmental pollution: Application to aquatic environments and to combustion by-product biomass
Speaker: Francois Lestremau, Ineris, France
An Introduction to a GC/MS Screener using MassHunter for Doping Control
Speaker: Wim Van Gansbeke, DocoLab, University of Ghent, Belgium
Profiling Environmental Contaminants using GC-Q/TOF: Get the whole picture
Speaker: Joerg Riener, GC & GC/MS Product Specialist, Agilent Technologies