Analysis of pesticides (USEPA 608)
Aplikace | 2016 | Trajan ScientificInstrumentace
GC, GC kolony, Spotřební materiál
ZaměřeníVýrobceTrajan Scientific
Klíčová slovaendrin, endosulfan, chlordane, heptachlorepoxide, chloropyrifos, mirex, captan, methoxychlor, aldehyde, gamma, dieldrin, aldrin, ketone, alpha, temperature, injection, sulfate, final, column, initial, part, carrier, components, detector, number, volume, mode, rate, phase, note, gas, application
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Analysis of organochlorine pesticides (USEPA 8081)
2016|Trajan Scientific|Aplikace
APPLICATION NOTE Analysis of organochlorine pesticides (USEPA 8081) BPX5 Column part number 0541025 Phase BPX5 Detector FID at 310ºC Column 30 m x 0.25 mm x 0.5 μm Injection mode Splitless, 0.5 min Initial temperature 40ºC, 1 min Carrier gas…
Klíčová slova
chlordane, chlordaneendrin, endrinendosulfan, endosulfanheptachlorepoxy, heptachlorepoxytaper, taperaldehyde, aldehydegamma, gammadieldrin, dieldrinaldrin, aldrinalpha, alphatemperature, temperatureinjection, injectionliner, linerfinal, finalcolumn
Analysis of organochlorine pesticides (USEPA 8081)
2016|Trajan Scientific|Aplikace
APPLICATION NOTE Analysis of organochlorine pesticides (USEPA 8081) BPX50 Column part number 0541751 Phase BPX50 Detector FID at 310ºC Column 30 m x 0.25 mm x 0.25 μm Injection mode Splitless, 0.5 mm Initial temperature 40ºC, 1 min Carrier gas…
Klíčová slova
endrin, endrinendosulfan, endosulfanchlordane, chlordaneheptachlorepoxy, heptachlorepoxydecachlorobiphenyl, decachlorobiphenyltaper, tapermethoxychlor, methoxychloraldehyde, aldehydegamma, gammadieldrin, dieldrinaldrin, aldrinketone, ketonealpha, alphatemperature, temperatureinjection
Improving Sample Preparation and Analysis for Organochlorine Pesticides Using an Optimized Extraction and Analytical Technique
2020|Agilent Technologies|Postery
Improving Sample Preparation and Analysis for Organochlorine Pesticides Using an Optimized Extraction and Analytical Technique Linx Waclaski, Jason Thomas, Mark Badger, Jaap de Zeeuw, Chris Rattray, Kristi Sellers; Restek Corporation, Bellefonte, PA, USA Abstract Although organochlorine pesticides have been banned…
Klíčová slova
bhc, bhcendrin, endrinendosulfan, endosulfanchlordane, chlordaneheptachlor, heptachlorcarboprep, carboprepresprep, resprepdcb, dcbtcmx, tcmxmethoxychlor, methoxychloraldehyde, aldehydegamma, gammaepoxide, epoxideketone, ketonedieldrin
Analysis of organochlorine pesticides (USEPA 8081)
2016|Trajan Scientific|Aplikace
APPLICATION NOTE Analysis of organochlorine pesticides (USEPA 8081) BPX50 Column part number 054751 Phase BPX50 Final temperature 320 °C Column 30 m x 0.25 mm x 0.25 μm Detector MS Initial temperature 50°C, 1 min Injection mode Split (40:1), 280°C…
Klíčová slova
endrin, endrinendosulfan, endosulfanchlordane, chlordanemethoxychlor, methoxychloraldehyde, aldehydedieldrin, dieldrinketone, ketonetrans, transcis, cistemperature, temperatureinjection, injectionsulfate, sulfatefinal, finalcolumn, columninitial