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Analysis of Multi-Residue Pesticides Present in Ayurvedic Churna by GC-MS/MS


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Analysis of Multi-Residue Pesticides Present in Ayurvedic Churna by GC-MS/MS
1 1 2 3 3 1 Adi Purwanto , Alex Chen , Kuok1,Shien Hans-Joachim Huebschmann Manoj Surwade , Sunil T Kumar Aarti ,Karkhanis , Manish Kumar1, Soma Dasgupta1, Hans-Joachim Huebschmann2, 2 2 3 PT AlphaFisher Analytical Indonesia, Jakarta, Analytical Singapore,…
Klíčová slova
azo, azodyes, dyesconfirmation, confirmationtextile, textileethyl, ethylayurvedic, ayurvediccompound, compoundquantitation, quantitationaromatic, aromatictextiles, textilesmethod, methodamines, aminesprocessing, processingthermo, thermochurnas
Analysis of Multiresidue Pesticides Present in Ayurvedic Churna  by GC-MS/MS
Analysis of Multiresidue Pesticides Present in Ayurvedic Churna by GC-MS/MS Manoj Surwade1, Sunil T Kumar 1, Aarti Karkhanis1, Manish Kumar1, Soma Dasgupta1, Hans-Joachim Huebschmann2, Paul Silcock3 1Thermo Fisher Scientific, Mumbai, India , 2Thermo Fisher Scientific, Singapore, 3 Thermo Fisher Scientific,…
Klíčová slova
churna, churnaayurvedic, ayurvedicethyl, ethylmethyl, methylpesticide, pesticidetriplus, triplusendosulfan, endosulfanchlorpyrifos, chlorpyrifosmodularity, modularitysrm, srmherbs, herbsspiroxamine, spiroxaminekresoxim, kresoximpirimiphos, pirimiphostimed
GC and GC-MS Applications for Food Safety Analysis
GC and GC-MS Applications for Food Safety Analysis
|Thermo Fisher Scientific|AplikacePříručky
A p p l i c a t i on N ot e b ook GC and GC-MS Applications for Food Safety Analysis • Pesticides • Additional Contaminants • Natural Compounds and Food Additives • About GC and GC-MS Technology…
Klíčová slova
scientific, scientificthermo, thermosrm, srmlod, lodloq, loqmethod, methodmethyl, methylmass, masscompound, compoundstandard, standardcompounds, compoundsfisher, fishersample, samplepesticide, pesticidephthalate
GC and GC-MS Applications for Food Safety Analysis
GC and GC-MS Applications for Food Safety Analysis
2013|Thermo Fisher Scientific|AplikacePříručky
A p p l i c a t i on N ot e b ook GC and GC-MS Applications for Food Safety Analysis • Pesticides • Additional Contaminants • Natural Compounds and Food Additives • About GC and GC-MS Technology…
Klíčová slova
scientific, scientificthermo, thermosrm, srmlod, lodloq, loqmethod, methodmethyl, methylmass, masscompound, compoundstandard, standardcompounds, compoundsfisher, fishersample, samplepesticide, pesticidearea
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LabRulez s.r.o. Všechna práva vyhrazena. Obsah dostupný pod licencí CC BY-SA 4.0 Uveďte původ-Zachovejte licenci.