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PCDD/F Screening at the Maximum Residue Level for Food Safety Analysis using Highly Selective Triple Quadrupole GC/MS/MS

Aplikace | 2010 | Thermo Fisher ScientificInstrumentace
Potraviny a zemědělství
Thermo Fisher Scientific
Klíčová slova
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Paul Silcock,1 David Gardner,2 John Fardon,2 Steve Moss2 and Inge de Dobbeleer1 1 Thermo Scientific POPs Centre of Excellence, Bremen, Germany 2 National Laboratory Service - Environment Agency, Leeds, United Kingdom Key Words Dioxins, furans, PCDD, PCDF, environmental, fly ash,…
Klíčová slova
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Application Note: 10262 Analysis of PCBs in Food and Biological Samples Using GC Triple Quadrupole GC-MS/MS Dirk Krumwiede, Hans-Joachim Huebschmann, Thermo Fisher Scientific, Bremen, Germany Introduction Key Words • TSQ Quantum XLS • dl-PCBs • Food Safety • Isotope Dilution…
Klíčová slova
xls, xlsquantum, quantumpcbs, pcbsistd, istdtsq, tsqprecursor, precursorpcb, pcbchlorination, chlorinationsrm, srmdecb, decbdicb, dicbhpcb, hpcbhxcb, hxcbmocb, mocbnocb
Application Note: 52266 High Efficiency, Quantitative Dioxins Screening at the Level of Interest in Feed and Food using Advanced GC-MS/MS Paul Silcock, Dirk Krumwiede, Inge de Dobbeleer, Hans-Joachim Huebschmann, Thermo Scientific POPs Centre of Excellence, Bremen, Germany Alexander Kotz, CVUA…
Klíčová slova
istd, istdpcdd, pcddocdf, ocdfscreening, screeningocdd, ocddpecdf, pecdfhxcdf, hxcdfpecdd, pecddhpcdf, hpcdfhpcdd, hpcddhxcdd, hxcddtcdf, tcdftcdd, tcddconfirmatory, confirmatoryfeed
EU Compliant Routine Quantitative Dioxin and Dioxin-like compounds in food and feed by GC-MS/MS with the Advanced Ionization Source Adam Ladak Global Product Marketing Manager GCMS The world leader in serving science Introduction • Polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDDs), polychlorinated dibenzo-p-furans (PCDFs)…
Klíčová slova
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