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GC/MS Determination of Furan in Food and Beverages using a PLOT Column

Postery | 2010 | Thermo Fisher Scientific | PittconInstrumentace
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Thermo Fisher Scientific
Klíčová slova
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Determination of Furan in Food by Gas Chromatography- Mass Spectrometry and Headspace Sampling
APPLICATION N ot e GC-Mass Spectrometry and Headspace Sampling Author Padmaja Prabhu PerkinElmer, Inc. Shelton, CT 06484 USA Determination of Furan in Food by Gas ChromatographyMass Spectrometry and Headspace Sampling Introduction Furan is naturally occurring at low levels in many…
Klíčová slova
furan, furancoffee, coffeeflavored, flavoredmilk, milkheadspace, headspaceppb, ppblevels, levelsakc, akcakcf, akcfakk, akknaem, naempadmaja, padmajaprabhu, prabhuespresso, espressoratio
Evaluating Food Products for Furan and Other Volatile Organic Compounds
Evaluating Food Products for Furan and Other Volatile Organic Compounds Application Note Abstract The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) published the results of a survey of furan in canned and jarred foods that undergo heat treatment in 2004. In…
Klíčová slova
furan, furanfda, fdatemp, tempstatic, staticheadspace, headspacedecaffeinated, decaffeinatedfood, foodamt, amtregular, regularplaten, platenbroth, brothdynamic, dynamicsample, samplefoods, foodschicken
Comparison of WCOT and PLOT Columns for the GC/MS Analysis of Benzene in Soft Drinks - Poster
Comparison of WCOT and PLOT Columns for the GC/MS Analysis of Benzene in Soft Drinks A. Khan, S. Aspey, W. Faulkner, Luisa Pereira Thermo Fisher Scientific, Runcorn, Cheshire, UK Results and Discussion Overview The FDA method for the quantitation of…
Klíčová slova
drinks, drinkssoft, softbenzene, benzenedrink, drinkwcot, wcotabundance, abundanceplot, plotcolumns, columnsdsqii, dsqiithermo, thermorela, relarelative, relativecolumn, columnative, ativemould
Analysis of Flavors and Off-Flavors in Foods and Beverages Using SPME
SUPELCO Analysis of Flavors and Off-Flavors in Foods and Beverages Using SPME Robert E. Shirey and Leonard M. Sidisky Supelco, Supelco Park, Bellefonte, PA, 16823 USA ©1998 Sigma-Aldrich Co. 98-0366 T498350 BXA Introduction SPME is a convenient, solventless extraction technique…
Klíčová slova
supelco, supelcopyrazine, pyrazinespme, spmeacetate, acetatehexanoate, hexanoatecarboxen, carboxenflavors, flavorspeanut, peanutpdms, pdmsbutter, butterfiber, fiberstableflex, stableflexpentyl, pentylmethyl, methylfuranmethanol
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