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Super Unleaded Gasoline

Aplikace |  | QuadrexInstrumentace
GC, GC kolony, Spotřební materiál
Průmysl a chemie
Klíčová slova
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Reference Reformate Standard
GC CAPILLARY COLUMN APPLICATIONS: Petrochemical Reference Reformate Standard COLUMN: Cat. No.: Temperature: Injector: Detector: Carrier Gas: 1. propane 2. isobutane 3. n-butane 4. isopentane 5. n-pentane 6. 2,2-dimethylbutane 7. cyclopentane 8. 2,3-dimethylbutane 9. 2-methylpentane 10. 3-methylpentane 11. n-hexane 12. 2,2-dimethylpentane…
Klíčová slova
reformate, reformatecyclopentane, cyclopentanedimethylpolysiloxane, dimethylpolysiloxanepetrochemical, petrochemicalreference, referencestandard
Hydrocarbons, C4 – C12
Hydrocarbons, C4 – C12
2011|Agilent Technologies|Aplikace
Hydrocarbons, C4 – C12 Application Note Energy & Fuels Authors Introduction Agilent Technologies, Inc. Gas chromatography with an Agilent CP-Sil PONA CB column separates over 165 C4 to C12 hydrocarbons in 130 minutes. Conditions Peak identification Technique : GC-capillary Column…
Klíčová slova
tentative, tentativeidentification, identificationfuels, fuelspeak, peakprinted, printedinjector, injectorusa, usaenergy, energyauthors, authorssize, sizetechnique, techniquecarrier, carrierdetector, detectornote, notetemperature
High Resolution Detailed Hydrocarbon Analyses by Capillary Column Gas Chromatography
595 North Harrison Road Bellefonte, PA 16823-0048 USA Telephone 800-247-6628 ● 814-359-3441 Fax 800-447-3044 ● 814-359-3044 email: [email protected] sigma-aldrich.com/supelco Bulletin 868A High Resolution Detailed Hydrocarbon Analyses by Capillary Column Gas Chromatography In the petrochemical industry, samples such as petroleum naphthas…
Klíčová slova
xylene, xylenefid, fidsupelco, supelcomin, minbutane, butanepropane, propaneisopentane, isopentanevnb, vnbisobutane, isobutanepetrocol, petrocoltoluene, tolueneethane, ethanegasoline, gasolineenb, enbisobutylene
Reference Naphtha Standard
GC CAPILLARY COLUMN APPLICATIONS: Petrochemical Reference Naphtha Standard COLUMN: Cat. No.: Temperature: Injector: Detector: Carrier Gas: 1. propane 2. isobutane 3. n-butane 4. isopentane 5. n-pentane 6. 2,2-dimethylbutane 7. cyclopentane 8. 2,3-dimethylbutane 9. 2-methylpentane 10. 3-methylpentane 11. n-hexane 12. 2,2-dimethylpentane…
Klíčová slova
propylcyclopentane, propylcyclopentanestereoisomers, stereoisomersdimethylpolysiloxane, dimethylpolysiloxanenaphtha, naphthapetrochemical, petrochemicalreference, referencestandard
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