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Py-GC/MS and Fixed Gas Analysis of Coal


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175 olutions APPLICATIONS INFORMATION USING ADVANCED SAMPLE HANDLING TECHNOLOGY Pyrolysis of Coal Under Steam and Elevated Pressure: PYGC/MS and FGA The Pyroprobe 5200 HP Steam Unit is designed to collect pyrolysis products onto a sorbent trap before transferring them to…
Klíčová slova
steam, steampyrolysis, pyrolysisfixed, fixedtrap, trapcoal, coalolutions, olutionspyroprobe, pyroprobemonoxide, monoxidegas, gassubstantially, substantiallyproducts, productstransferring, transferringpassed, passedrecommend, recommendmethane
163 olutions APPLICATIONS INFORMATION USING ADVANCED SAMPLE HANDLING TECHNOLOGY Pyrolysis-GC/MS and FGA of Poly Vinyl Alcohol When poly vinyl alcohol is pyrolyzed, it produces a series of unsaturated aldehydes and also aromatic aldehydes, as shown in Figure 1. Since poly…
Klíčová slova
fga, fgapoly, polyvinyl, vinylfixed, fixedalcohol, alcoholpyrolyzed, pyrolyzedolutions, olutionspyroprobe, pyroprobealdehydes, aldehydesunsaturated, unsaturatedtcd, tcdpyrolysis, pyrolysisrecommend, recommendappear, appearliterature
171 olutions APPLICATIONS INFORMATION USING ADVANCED SAMPLE HANDLING TECHNOLOGY Evaluation of Source Rock using EGA and Pyrolysis GC/MS To understand the organic matter of sedimentary rock as an evaluation of potential fuel output, geochemists use techniques which involve heating the…
Klíčová slova
composite, compositerock, rockthermal, thermalcracking, crackingpyroprobe, pyroprobehydrocarbons, hydrocarbonspeaks, peaksduring, duringgeochemists, geochemistsmigratory, migratorysedimentary, sedimentarycds, cdsmodel, modelhelium, heliuminterfacing
159 olutions APPLICATIONS INFORMATION USING ADVANCED SAMPLE HANDLING TECHNOLOGY Analysis of Gases Produced from the Pyrolysis of Biomass Most biomass contains both cellulose and lignin, and when pyrolyzed using a capillary GC/MS produces a pyrogram like the one shown in…
Klíčová slova
pyrolysis, pyrolysisthorugh, thorughcapillary, capillarypacked, packedgases, gaseslevoglucosan, levoglucosanrotated, rotatedpyrolyzed, pyrolyzedpyrogram, pyrogramolutions, olutionsvanillin, vanillinfurfural, furfuralbiomass, biomassvented, ventedparameters
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LabRulez s.r.o. Všechna práva vyhrazena. Obsah dostupný pod licencí CC BY-SA 4.0 Uveďte původ-Zachovejte licenci.