Determination of Wine Aroma Compounds from Simple Extracts using Automated Large Volume Injection with PTV Solvent Splitting
Aplikace | 1996 | GERSTELInstrumentace
ZaměřeníPotraviny a zemědělství
VýrobceAgilent Technologies, GERSTEL
Klíčová slovalinalool, wine, ethyl, acid, gerstel, butyric, oxide, artefact, heatable, aroma, ester, trans, cis, simple, abundance, adolf, geranylic, hotrienol, ibutyl, morio, muskat, rapp, terpenediol, solvent, terpineole, enrichment, acetoine, diethyl, methionol, phenyl, macnamara, graphpack, carriergas, caprylate, caprate, extracts, kevin, septumless, caprylic, turret, malonate, caproate, laurate, hexanol, capric, nerol, hoffmann, cinnamate, caproic, andreas
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Advances in the Capillary Gas Chromatographic Analysis of Beverages using PTV Injection combined with Ancillary Sample Introduction Systems
1998|Agilent Technologies|Aplikace
AppNote 3/1998 Advances in the Capillary Gas Chromatographic Analysis of Beverages using PTV Injection combined with Ancillary Sample Introduction Systems Andreas Hoffmann Gerstel GmbH & Co. KG, Eberhard-Gerstel-Platz 1, D-45473 Mülheim an der Ruhr, Germany Robert J. Collins Gerstel, Inc.,…
Klíčová slova
ptv, ptvinjection, injectiongerstel, gerstelthermal, thermalabundance, abundancelarge, largevolatile, volatileheated, heatedheadspace, headspaceanalytes, analytesbutyrate, butyratedesorption, desorptionscd, scdalcoholic, alcoholicflavors
Direct Injection of Distilled Spirits with PTV Matrix Removal: The Perfect Splitless Injection ?
1998|Agilent Technologies|Aplikace
AppNote 2/1998 Direct Injection of Distilled Spirits with PTV Matrix Removal: The Perfect Splitless Injection ? Kevin MacNamara Irish Distillers Ltd., Smithfield, Dublin 7, Ireland Riccardo Leardi Dipartimento di Chimica e Tecnologie Farmaceutiche e Alimentari, Via Brigata Salerno (ponte), I-16147…
Klíčová slova
spirits, spiritsgerstel, gersteldistilled, distilledcompounds, compoundsvinj, vinjinjection, injectionsolutes, solutesenrichment, enrichmentremoval, removalsplitless, splitlessheatable, heatablesolvent, solventptv, ptvlarge, largeabundance
Volatile Profiling of U.S. Cabernet Sauvignon Wines Using HS-SPME and the Agilent 5975 Series GC/MSD System: Relating the Chemical Profile to Sensory Properties
|Agilent Technologies|Aplikace
Volatile Profiling of U.S. Cabernet Sauvignon Wines Using HS-SPME and the Agilent 5975 Series GC/MSD System: Relating the Chemical Profile to Sensory Properties Application Note Food Authors Abstract Anna K. Hjelmeland, Ellena S. King, A semiquantitative, automated headspace solid phase…
Klíčová slova
sensory, sensorywines, winesvitispirane, vitispiraneoak, oakattributes, attributesethyl, ethylalcohol, alcoholcompounds, compoundschemical, chemicallinalool, linaloolsauvignon, sauvignonassociation, associationwine, winearoma, aromalactone
A Combination of Standard (SBSE) and Solvent- Assisted (SA-SBSE) Stir Bar Sorptive Extraction for Comprehensive Analysis of Flavor Compounds in Beverages
2018|Agilent Technologies|Aplikace
GERSTEL Application Note No. 198, 2018 A Combination of Standard (SBSE) and SolventAssisted (SA-SBSE) Stir Bar Sorptive Extraction for Comprehensive Analysis of Flavor Compounds in Beverages Kevin MacNamara1, Nobuo Ochiai1, Kikuo Sasamoto1, Andreas Hoffmann2 1. GERSTEL K.K., 1-3-1 Nakane, Meguro-ku,…
Klíčová slova
sbse, sbsestir, stirkow, kowpbm, pbmsorptive, sorptiveacid, acidapple, appleave, aveextraction, extractionbar, barcharacter, characterfloral, floralalmond, almondlog, loganise