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Determination of 18 nitrosamine impurities in sartan drug products using gas chromatography coupled with high-resolution Orbitrap mass spectrometry (GC-HRMS)

Aplikace | 2022 | Thermo Fisher ScientificInstrumentace
Farmaceutická analýza
Thermo Fisher Scientific
Klíčová slova
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APPLICATION NOTE 10753 A validated method for the rapid determination of fifteen nitrosamines in metformin drug substance Authors: Dujuan Lu¹, Danny Hower1, Aaron Lamb2, Andrea Romano3, Dominic Roberts2 and Cristian Cojocariu2; 1 SGS, Fairfield NJ, USA, 2 Thermo Fisher Scientific,…
Klíčová slova
fda, fdapositive, positivenipea, nipeametformin, metforminndbea, ndbeaneba, nebanmpa, nmpanepha, nephandma, ndmandpha, ndphandea, ndeanpip, npipndba, ndbanmor, nmoramount
APPLICATION NOTE 000173 Rapid quantification of 12 nitrosamines in metformin using triple quadrupole GC-MS/MS with Advanced Electron Ionization (AEI) Authors: David Lee1, Aaron Lamb1, Andrea Romano2, and Giulia Riccardino2 Thermo Fisher Scientific, Runcorn, UK 2 Thermo Fisher Scientific, Milan, Italy…
Klíčová slova
nitroso, nitrosophenylamine, phenylaminenpyr, npyrnepha, nephandma, ndmanmpa, nmpahigh, highndpa, ndpanpip, npipndpha, ndphanmea, nmeandea, ndeandba, ndbandipa, ndipanmor
Nitrosamine Impurities Application Guide Confidently Detect and Quantify Mutagenic Impurities in APIs and Drug Products Sartan-Based Losartan Valsartan Candesartan Telmisartan Metformin Ranitidine Nitrosamines are formed by chemical reactions that occur during API manufacturing whether from starting materials, intermediates, reactants, reuse…
Klíčová slova
back, backndma, ndmaneipa, neipafda, fdandipa, ndipandea, ndeandba, ndbametformin, metforminnitrosamine, nitrosamineintroduction, introductionapi, apivalsartan, valsartanbest, bestquant, quantcandesartan
Gas Chromatograph Mass Spectrometer GCMS-TQTM8050 NX, HS-20 Application News Quantitation of 7 Nitrosamines in API by HSGC-MS/MS as per proposed USP General Chapter <1469> Nitish Suryawanshi, Dheeraj Handique, Prashant Hase, Sanket Chiplunkar, Durvesh Sawant, Aseem Wagle, Rahul Dwivedi, Jitendra Kelkar…
Klíčová slova
nmprz, nmprzloq, loqneipa, neipandipa, ndipandpa, ndpandea, ndeanitrosamine, nitrosaminendma, ndmandba, ndbabelow, belowppb, ppbratio, rationitroso, nitrosoarea, areamin
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LabRulez s.r.o. Všechna práva vyhrazena. Obsah dostupný pod licencí CC BY-SA 4.0 Uveďte původ-Zachovejte licenci.