Gasoline Range Organic Detection and Screening Using Static Headspace
Aplikace | | ZOEX/JSBInstrumentace
GC/MSD, HeadSpace, GC/SQ
ZaměřeníŽivotní prostředí
VýrobceAgilent Technologies, EST Analytical
Klíčová slovajsb, rinse, loop, headspace, consecutive, sampling, sample, split, fill, static, enzene, mdl, xylene, equilibration, spike, temperature, syringe, jurek, time, gro, dilution, stirred, factor, anne, eindhoven, zoex, authorised, curve, inlet, order, precision, determine, pressurization, preserve, soils, headquarters, stirrer, rsd, accuracy, mdls, helpful, ireland, concentrator, equilibrium, prime, level, mtbe, gasoline, station, courtesy
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Gasoline Range Organic Detection Using Headspace Sampling Techniques
|Agilent Technologies|Aplikace
JSB is an authorised partner of Gasoline Range Organic Detection Using Headspace Sampling Techniques Introduction: Gasoline and/or oils spills can range from catastrophic, the Gulf Oil Spill and Exxon…
Klíčová slova
headspace, headspacetrap, traploop, looprec'y, rec'yequilibration, equilibrationsweep, sweephorizontal, horizontalpressurization, pressurizationtimed, timedbake, bakerotary, rotaryvial, vialtime, timesample, samplersd
Automated Determination of Dissolved Gases in Water By Headspace Calibration of Mixed Gases
|Agilent Technologies|Aplikace
JSB is an authorised partner of Automated Determination of Dissolved Gases in Water By Headspace Calibration of Mixed Gases Anne Jurek Abstract: Due to the expansion of natural gas…
Klíčová slova
headspace, headspacehenry, henryrinse, rinseequilibration, equilibrationloop, looptemperature, temperaturedissolved, dissolvedgas, gassample, samplefill, fillcah, cahethane, ethanesyringe, syringegases, gasestime
An automated approach for the determination of gasoline range organics (GRO) in water by gas chromatography coupled with static headspace sampling
2019|Thermo Fisher Scientific|Aplikace
APPLICATION NOTE 10702 An automated approach for the determination of gasoline range organics (GRO) in water by gas chromatography coupled with static headspace sampling Authors Giulia Riccardino and Cristian Cojocariu Thermo Fisher Scientific, Runcorn, UK Keywords Gasoline range organics, GRO,…
Klíčová slova
average, averageorganics, organicsgasoline, gasolinespiked, spikedmtbe, mtbetotal, totaltap, tapgro, groethylbenzene, ethylbenzenexylene, xylenearea, areabenzene, benzenetoluene, toluenewater, waterintegration
An automated approach for the determination of gasoline range organics (GRO) in water by gas chromatography coupled with static headspace sampling
2019|Thermo Fisher Scientific|Aplikace
APPLICATION NOTE 10702 An automated approach for the determination of gasoline range organics (GRO) in water by gas chromatography coupled with static headspace sampling Authors Giulia Riccardino and Cristian Cojocariu Thermo Fisher Scientific, Runcorn, UK Keywords Gasoline range organics, GRO,…
Klíčová slova
average, averageorganics, organicsgasoline, gasolinespiked, spikedmtbe, mtbetotal, totaltap, tapgro, groethylbenzene, ethylbenzenexylene, xylenearea, areabenzene, benzenetoluene, toluenewater, waterintegration