Pyrolysis of Rubber with Antioxidant 6-PPD - JSB
Aplikace | | ZOEX/JSBInstrumentace
GC/MSD, Pyrolýza, GC/SQ
ZaměřeníPrůmysl a chemie, Materiálová analýza
VýrobceAgilent Technologies, CDS Analytical
Klíčová slovarubber, jsb, pleced, strasse, planck, dimers, authorised, significant, monomers, copolymer, coil, antioxidant, platinum, ireland, may, pyrolysis, recommend, sales, partner, belgium, frequently, netherlands, seen, msd, max, international, usually, information, cds, amounts, service, model, oil, contain, since, helium, equipped, equipment, group, minutes, tool, added, about, sample, analyzed, materials, provide, also, which, more
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Pyrolysis of Rubber with Antioxidant 6-PPD - CDS
|CDS Analytical|Aplikace
#80a Pyrolysis of Rubber with Antioxidant 6-PPD Application Note Rubber & Adhesive Author: T. Wampler Rubber products are complex polymeric materials which generally include copolymers, fillers, antioxidants, plasticisers and other additives. Automobile tire rubbers are good examples, since they usually…
Klíčová slova
pyroprobe, pyroprobeadhesive, adhesiverubber, rubberinstrument, instrumentnote, noteconditions, conditionsapplication
Analysis of algae using Pyrolysis and THM
|CDS Analytical|Aplikace
JSB is an authorised partner of #120 Analysis of algae using Pyrolysis and THM Analytical pyrolysis provides a means to analyze complex materials, even biological samples, using GCMS. Microbes,…
Klíčová slova
thm, thmpyrolysis, pyrolysisjsb, jsbalgae, algaemethylation, methylationhydrolysis, hydrolysissisted, sistedthermally, thermallyesters, esterstopped, toppedtetramethyl, tetramethylbiopolymers, biopolymerswarmed, warmedment, mentpyrogram
Multi-Step Analysis of Automobile Tire Rubber
|CDS Analytical|Aplikace
179 CDS Multi-Step Analysis of Automobile Tire Rubber Analytical Application Note Automobile Analytical Authors: CDS - Helvetica Black Oblique Thomas WamplerAnalytical -Helvetica Bold Oblique Gary Deger Automobile tires are complex products which may include natural and synthetic rubbers, carbon black,…
Klíčová slova
automobile, automobilehelvetica, helveticaoblique, obliquerubber, rubberwampleranalytical, wampleranalyticaldeger, degertires, tirescds, cdsgary, garytire, tirepermitting, permittingisoprene, isoprenethomas, thomasbold, boldbutadiene
A Practical Applications Guide for Analytical Pyrolysis - GC/MS - Polymer and Rubber
2018|CDS Analytical|Příručky
Year Innovation A Practical Applications Guide for Analytical Pyrolysis - GC/MS Polymer and Rubber CDS Analytical Evolved Gas Analysis It possible to obtain a significant amount of information without chromatographic separation of the pyrolysis products by connecting the pyrolyzer…
Klíčová slova
setting, settingpyroprobe, pyroproberubber, rubbertire, tirepolymers, polymerspyrolysis, pyrolysisvarious, varioushardener, hardenerpolyurethanes, polyurethanespolymer, polymerurethane, urethanepermitting, permittingautomobile, automobileuncoated, uncoatedisoprene