The Determination of Vehicle Emissions in Exhaust Gases and Ozone Precursors in Ambient Air with a Built-in Preconcentrator/GC System
Aplikace | | SCION InstrumentsInstrumentace
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Klíčová slovaozone, precursors, emissions, preconcentrator, scion, dual, exhaust, analysing, air, tailpipe, xylene, trucks, spt, ambient, trimethylbenzene, capable, fid, carbosieve, carbotrap, targeted, since, produced, automobile, lesser, compounds, precisions, vehicle, wide, amount, instruments, unsaturated, target, tenax, rsd, engine, organics, saturated, quantitatively, comprised, combustion, count, area, retention, nine, netherlands, identity, atmospheric, industrial, hydrocarbon, boiling
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Determination of trace volatile organic compounds in air with an integrated preconcentrator/GC system
2011|Agilent Technologies|Aplikace
Determination of trace volatile organic compounds in air with an integrated preconcentrator/GC system Application Note Environmental Authors Introduction Agilent Technologies, Inc. Many organic compounds that occur in ambient air are the result of emissions from mobile, industrial, or natural sources…
Klíčová slova
air, airpreconcentration, preconcentrationtoxics, toxicsautomobile, automobileadsorbents, adsorbentsemitted, emittedbenzene, benzeneexhaust, exhaustprecursors, precursorsfrom, fromtitles, titlesxylene, xylenespt, sptpneumatically, pneumaticallyambient
Monitoring 57 Ozone Precursors in Ambient Air
|SCION Instruments|Aplikace
Monitoring 57 Ozone Precursors in Ambient Air Application Note INTRODUCTION Ozone, or trioxygen, is a gas made up of three oxygen atoms (O3). Naturally occurring in the stratosphere (upper atmosphere), ozone protects life on Earth from the Sun’s ultraviolet (UV)…
Klíčová slova
bromo, bromochloro, chloromethane, methanescion, scionozone, ozoneisobutane, isobutanebenzene, benzenedodecane, dodecanefid, fidprecursors, precursorsvocs, vocsstyrene, styreneinternal, internalxylene, xyleneconlusion
Detailed Hydrocarbon Analysis of Spark Ignition Engine Fuels by GC using ASTM D6729
|SCION Instruments|Aplikace
B E Y O N D M E A S U R E Detailed Hydrocarbon Analysis of Spark Ignition Engine Fuels by GC using ASTM D6729 Application Note INTRODUCTION RESULTS It is vital for quality control purposes that spark ignition…
Klíčová slova
scion, scionindices, indiceskovats, kovatshydrocarbon, hydrocarbonspark, sparkignition, ignitiondetailed, detailedparaf, parafmass, massarom, aromunk, unkxylene, xylenereports, reportsbenzene, benzenecomponents
Round-the-clock, online and cryogen-free monitoring of VOC hydrocarbons in ambient air using GC-MS
2017|Thermo Fisher Scientific|Aplikace
APPLICATION NOTE Terry Jeffers, Suresh Seethapathy, Dwain Cardona Thermo Fisher Scientific, Austin, TX Key words EPA air quality, PAMS assessment, air sampling, ambient air monitoring, VOC emissions, thermal desorption, continuous monitoring Goal To describe the evaluation and validation of a…
Klíčová slova
ethyltoluene, ethyltolueneozone, ozoneunity, unitypams, pamskori, koritrap, trapfocusing, focusingair, aircompounds, compoundssystem, systemmonitoring, monitoringmarkes, markesretention, retentionethyne, ethynebond