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Multi-Residue Method for Determination of 85 Pesticides in Vegetables, Fruits and Green Tea by Stir Bar Sorptive Extraction and Thermal Desorption GC-MS


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Multi-Residue Method for the Determination of Five Groups of Pesticides in Non-Fatty Food Samples by Dual Stir Bar Sorptive Extraction (Dual SBSE) and Thermal Desorption GC-MS
AppNote 3/2005 Multi-Residue Method for the Determination of Five Groups of Pesticides in Non-Fatty Food Samples by Dual Stir Bar Sorptive Extraction (Dual SBSE) and Thermal Desorption GC-MS* Nobuo Ochiai, Kikuo Sasamoto, Hirooki Kanda GERSTEL K.K., 2-13-18 Nakane, Meguro-ku, Tokyo,…
Klíčová slova
sbse, sbsepesticides, pesticidesstir, stirabundance, abundanceextract, extractfivefold, fivefoldgerstel, gersteldesorption, desorptiontwofold, twofoldextraction, extractionrtl, rtllog, logmatrix, matrixbhc, bhccoefficients
Fast Screening of Pesticide Multiresidues in Aqueous Samples by Dual Stir Bar Sorptive Extraction (Dual SBSE) and Thermal Desorption – Fast GC/MS using a Modular Accelerated Column Heater (MACH)
AppNote 12/2006 Fast Screening of Pesticide Multiresidues in Aqueous Samples by Dual Stir Bar Sorptive Extraction (Dual SBSE) and Thermal Desorption – Fast GC/MS using a Modular Accelerated Column Heater (MACH) Nobuo Ochiai, Kikuo Sasamoto, Hirooki Kanda GERSTEL K.K., 2-13-18…
Klíčová slova
nacl, naclsbse, sbsesolutes, solutesstir, stirrecovery, recoverypesticides, pesticidesgerstel, gerstelfenobucarb, fenobucarblodd, loddmach, machfensulfothion, fensulfothiondual, dualpirimicarb, pirimicarbpendimethalin, pendimethalinfast
A Novel Extraction Procedure for Stir Bar Sorptive Extraction (SBSE): Sequential SBSE for Uniform Enrichment of Organic Pollutants in Water Samples
AppNote 12/2008 A Novel Extraction Procedure for Stir Bar Sorptive Extraction (SBSE): Sequential SBSE for Uniform Enrichment of Organic Pollutants in Water Samples Nobuo Ochiai, Kikuo Sasamoto, Hirooki Kanda GERSTEL K.K., 2-13-18 Nakane, Meguro-ku, Tokyo, 152-0031 Japan Edward Pfannkoch Gerstel,…
Klíčová slova
sbse, sbsesolutes, solutesstir, stirrecovery, recoverysequential, sequentialbüro, bürotechnisches, technischesextraction, extractionbar, barenrichment, enrichmentlog, loghydrophobic, hydrophobicpdms, pdmspesticides, pesticidesvalues
Stir Bar Sorptive Extraction (TwisterTM) RTL-CGC-MS. A Versatile Method to Monitor more than 400 Pesticides in Different Matrices (Water, Beverages, Fruits, Vegetables, Baby Food)
Application Note 2003/1 Stir Bar Sorptive Extraction (TwisterTM) RTL-CGC-MS. A Versatile Method to Monitor more than 400 Pesticides in Different Matrices (Water, Beverages, Fruits, Vegetables, Baby Food) Pat Sandra, Bart Tienpont, Frank David Research Institute for Chromatography, Kennedypark 20, 8500…
Klíčová slova
pesticides, pesticidesisomer, isomerdinocap, dinocapsbse, sbsemethyl, methylrtl, rtlscreener, screenerethyl, ethylendosulfan, endosulfancpd, cpdcyfluthrin, cyfluthrincypermethrin, cypermethrinpermethrin, permethrinallate, allatechlorthiophos
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