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Thermochemolysis – A Simple and Rapid Methylation Method Based on TMAH for Gas Chromatographic Analysis of Linseed Oil and Amber


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Solving Analytical Problems using Multi-functional Pyrolyzer®
Solving Analytical Problems ® ® using Multi functional Pyrolyzer Multi-functional Version Version 1.3 1.3 - Polymer processing - Forensic - Energy - Additives - Coatings - Elastomers - Adhesives - Inks and paints - Paper and fibers - Consumer products…
Klíčová slova
ega, egazone, zonepyrolyzer, pyrolyzeracid, acidobtained, obtainedink, inkadditives, additivesfrom, fromthermal, thermalshot, shottmsh, tmshanalyzed, analyzedunknown, unknownirradiation, irradiationtmah
The Automated Derivatisation and Extraction of Fatty Acids using the Gerstel MPS Autosampler and Agilent 7890 / 7200 GC/Q-TOF
Chromatography Technical Note No AS136 The Automated Derivatisation and Extraction of Fatty Acids using the Gerstel MPS Autosampler and Agilent 7890 / 7200 GC/Q-TOF Sean O’Connor and Nathan Hawkins, Anatune Ltd. Girton, Cambridgeshire (UK). Introduction Instrumentation Precise extraction and measurement…
Klíčová slova
methyl, methylgerstel, gerstelesters, estersfatty, fattyderivatisation, derivatisationagitator, agitatorfingerprinting, fingerprintingmps, mpstof, tofextraction, extractionacids, acidstertradecanoate, tertradecanoatemetabolic, metabolicmetabolomics, metabolomicsautomated
Characterization of Paint from Art Work Using Automatic Reactive Pyrolysis in the OPTIC-4 Inlet
LAAN-J-MS-E036 GCMS Gas Chromatograph Mass Spectrometer Characterization of Paint from Art Work Using Automatic Reactive Pyrolysis in the OPTIC-4 Inlet 36 Pyrolysis GC-MS provides an extremely useful method for art research, because it allows solid samples to be directly analyzed…
Klíčová slova
thm, thmatas, atasmethylation, methylationdecomposition, decompositionshimadzu, shimadzuinternational, internationalhydrolyze, hydrolyzerobin, robinpolar, polardatasheet, datasheetthermal, thermalsample, samplefritted, frittedmethylated, methylatedcopyright
Rubber and Plastic Materials Characterization Using Micro Furnace Multi Mode Pyrolysis GC/MS
Rubber and Plastic Materials Characterization Using Micro-Furnace Multi-Mode Pyrolysis-GC/MS 1 Copyright © 2020 Frontier Laboratories Ltd. Why Pyrolysis-GC/MS? Manufacturers are always seeking new technologies and developments that increase production efficiency and the quality of the produced parts. Many analytical protocols…
Klíčová slova
frontier, frontierlab, labrubber, rubberega, egapyrolysis, pyrolysisadditives, additivesthermal, thermalpvc, pvcdnop, dnopwrap, wrapdehp, dehpzone, zonephthalates, phthalatesdesorption, desorptionnbr
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LabRulez s.r.o. Všechna práva vyhrazena. Obsah dostupný pod licencí CC BY-SA 4.0 Uveďte původ-Zachovejte licenci.