Resolving Industrial Solvent Mixtures on Packed and Capillary GC Columns
Příručky | 1997 | MerckInstrumentace
GC, GC kolony, Spotřební materiál
Klíčová slovaacetate, cellosolve, late, butyl, ethyl, isobutyl, alcohol, methyl, xylene, ketone, propyl, isopropyl, toluene, solvents, mesityl, cyclohexanone, fid, isoamyl, packed, mibk, mek, methylene, supelco, min, formate, ethylbenzene, supelcoport, chloroform, chloride, acetone, solvent, column, tetrahydrofuran, tetrachloride, pollutants, diacetone, oxide, trichloroethylene, carbopack, columns, carbon, packings, hewlettpackard, theed, sec, packing, cresol, retarding, hexane, ethanol
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Packed Column GC Application Guide
Packed Column GC Application Guide Bulletin 890A Packed Column GC Application Guide This guide to packed column applications provides information on the best approach to designing your application. It includes helpful information about packings, phases, tubing, and different types of…
Klíčová slova
min, minfid, fidstock, stockacetate, acetateacid, acidalcohol, alcoholavailable, availablecellosolve, cellosolveethyl, ethylxylene, xylenemethyl, methylethylene, ethylenebutyl, butylcolumn, columnmethanol
Analyze Trace Amounts of Solvents in Water Using Packed Column GC
Bulletin 816B Analyze Trace Amounts of Solvents in Water Using Packed Column GC Glass or stainless steel columns containing 80/120 Carbopack B/3% SP-1500 packing can be used to analyze water-based samples for ppm to low percentage levels of many organic…
Klíčová slova
purifier, purifieralcohol, alcoholethyl, ethylketone, ketoneomi, omimethyl, methylisopropyl, isopropylpropyl, propylpentane, pentanewater, wateryes, yesacetate, acetateacetone, acetonesupelco, supelcobutyl
Analysis of Solvents in Industrial Atmospheres by Capillary GC
Application Note 2 Analysis of Solvents in Industrial Atmospheres by Capillary GC Similar structures and boiling points among airborne solvents monitored in the workplace often require two GC columns that offer differing selectivities to separate and identify the solvents collected.…
Klíčová slova
acetate, acetatecellosolve, cellosolvecresol, cresolmethyl, methylxylene, xyleneisoamyl, isoamylisobutyl, isobutylketone, ketonebutyl, butylsolvents, solventsethyl, ethylcyclohexanol, cyclohexanolatmospheres, atmospherescyclohexanone, cyclohexanoneindustrial
Petroleum/Chemicals Application Guide
595 North Harrison Road Bellefonte, PA 16823-0048 USA Telephone 800-247-6628 ● 814-359-3441 Fax 800-447-3044 ● 814-359-3044 email: [email protected] Bulletin 858D Petroleum/Chemicals Application Guide This guide contains up-to-date information about Supelco products and technology for separating hydrocarbons by chromatographic methods.…
Klíčová slova
xylene, xylenehayesep, hayesepsupelco, supelcoscotty, scottymin, minfid, fidpetrocol, petrocolmix, mixmixes, mixestert, tertbenzene, benzenetoluene, toluenegasoline, gasolinebutane, butanehydrocarbons