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Application 210-00 Agilent Reformulated Fuel Analyzer

Technické články | 2002 | Agilent TechnologiesInstrumentace
Průmysl a chemie
Agilent Technologies, Wasson-ECE Instrumentation
Klíčová slova
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Application 250-00 Agilent Reformulated Fuel Analyzer
Application 250-00 Agilent Reformulated Fuel Analyzer
2002|Agilent Technologies|Technické články
Application 250-00 Agilent Reformulated Fuel Analyzer Determination of Ethers and Alcohols in Gasoline Using ASTM D4815-99 Technical Overview Application Highlights • A Flame Ionization Detector (FID) to identify methyl tert-butylether (MTBE), ethyl tert-butylether (ETBE), tert-amylmethylether (TAME), diisopropyl ether (DIPE), methanol,…
Klíčová slova
butanol, butanolpropanoll, propanolltaa, taadipe, dipeisobutanol, isobutanoltame, tameetbe, etbemtbe, mtbeisopropanol, isopropanolethanol, ethanolsec, secreformulated, reformulatedmethanol, methanolethers, ethersgasoline
Application 257-00 Agilent Reformulated Fuel Analyzer
Application 257-00 Agilent Reformulated Fuel Analyzer
2002|Agilent Technologies|Technické články
Application 257-00 Agilent Reformulated Fuel Analyzer ASTM D3606, ASTM D4815, and ASTM D5580 Technical Overview Application Highlights • ASTM D3606 Analysis of benzene and toluene Standard D3606 1 Benzene 2 MEK 3 Toluene in finished motor fuels using a Thermal…
Klíčová slova
butanol, butanolpropanoll, propanollxylene, xylenetaa, taadipe, dipeisobutanol, isobutanoltame, tameetbe, etbefinished, finishedmtbe, mtbeisopropanol, isopropanolbackflush, backflushethylbenzene, ethylbenzenehydrocarbon, hydrocarbonethanol
Running ASTM Method D4815 for Determining Oxygenates in Gasoline on the Agilent 6820 GC
Running ASTM Method D4815 for Determining Oxygenates in Gasoline on the Agilent 6820 GC Application Gasoline Analysis and Environmental Protection Authors Introduction ChunXiao Wang Agilent Technologies Co., Ltd. (Shanghai) 412 YingLun Road Waigaoqiao Free Trade Zone Shanghai 200131, P.R.C. Unleaded…
Klíčová slova
butanol, butanoldme, dmetcep, tcepfid, fidbackflush, backflushdipe, dipetert, tertpropanol, propanolcerity, ceritymtbe, mtberepeatability, repeatabilityvalve, valvetame, tamearea, areainlet
Determination of Oxygenated Compounds in Gasoline in Compliance with ASTM D4815
Determination of Oxygenated Compounds in Gasoline in Compliance with ASTM D4815 Application Note INTRODUCTION As mandated by the EPA and the California Air Resources Board (CARB), petroleum refiners have to incorporate some form of oxygen containing components into the gasoline…
Klíčová slova
butanol, butanolanalyser, analysertert, tertiso, isoprop, propgasoline, gasolinerepeatability, repeatabilitydme, dmedipe, dipeave, avetame, tameetbe, etbedev, devpropanol, propanolcalifornia
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