Analyzing PBDEs in House Dust Samples with the Thermo Scientific TSQ Quantum XLS Ultra GC-MS/MS in EI-SRM Mode
Aplikace | 2012 | Thermo Fisher ScientificInstrumentace
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Accelerated Solvent Extraction
2016|Thermo Fisher Scientific|Příručky
Table of Contents Accelerated Solvent Extraction Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons PAHs and PCBs POPs Dioxins and Furans Pesticides PBDEs Trivalent and Hexavalent Chromium Sample Preparation and Chromatography Portfolio Resources Accelerated Solvent Extraction Environmental Technical Resource Guide · · Dioxins/Furans · Pesticides ·…
Klíčová slova
accelerated, acceleratedtrivalent, trivalentextraction, extractionhexavalent, hexavalentchromium, chromiumfurans, furanspbdes, pbdespolyaromatic, polyaromaticsolvent, solventdioxins, dioxinspops, popspahs, pahspcbs, pcbsportfolio, portfolioresources
Overcoming Analytical Challenges in PBDEs Quantification in Environmental Samples using GC-Orbitrap MS
|Thermo Fisher Scientific|Prezentace
Overcoming Analytical Challenges in PBDEs Quantification in Environmental Samples using GC-Orbitrap MS Jane Cooper1, Jordi Parera2, Esteban Abad2, Richard Law1, and Cristian Cojocariu1 Thermo Fisher Scientific, Runcorn, UK 2 Laboratory of Dioxins, Dept. of Environmental Chemistry, Institute of Environmental Assessment…
Klíčová slova
pbdes, pbdesexactive, exactivebde, bdeorbitrap, orbitrappolybrominated, polybrominatedethers, ethersdiphenyl, diphenylether, ethersludge, sludgepbde, pbdescientific, scientifictetrabdes, tetrabdesthermo, thermobdes, bdesstandards
Automated Clean-up of Various Brominated Compounds: a Breast Milk Example
2019|Thermo Fisher Scientific|Aplikace
APPLICATION NOTE | AN0028 Automated Clean-up of Various Brominated Compounds: a Breast Milk Example APPLICATION NOTE | As of: November 2019, Version: 1.1 APPLICATION NOTE | AN0028 Content 1. Introduction ................................................................................................................................................. 3 2. Method Development .............................................................................................................................. 4 2.1 Reagents…
Klíčová slova
hxcdf, hxcdfrecovery, recoverypbde, pbdebrominated, brominatedhxbdd, hxbddbreastmilk, breastmilkpcb, pcbpecdf, pecdfhpcdf, hpcdfclean, cleanortho, orthopcdd, pcddretardants, retardantsalumina, aluminadioxins
Accelerated Solvent Extraction Environmental Applications Summary
2012|Thermo Fisher Scientific|AplikacePříručky
Accelerated Solvent Extraction Environmental Applications Summary Pesticides • Chlorinated Compounds • Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) Watch the video to learn more about the Thermo Scientific™ ASE™ Accelerated Solvent Extraction System. Additional product information available at Contents Introduction The Accelerated…
Klíčová slova
extraction, extractionaccelerated, acceleratedsolvent, solventase, asepolychlorinated, polychlorinatedsoxhlet, soxhletpolybrominated, polybrominatedpbdes, pbdesbiphenyls, biphenylssolvents, solventsequivalent, equivalentdiphenyl, diphenylextractor, extractorchlorinated, chlorinatedpesticide