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Analysis of Ethylene Glycol and Diethylene Glycol in Glycerin, Propylene Glycol and Sorbitol Solutions (Indian Pharmacopoeia Monographs)
Brevis™ GC-2050 Gas Chromatograph Application News Analysis of Ethylene Glycol and Diethylene Glycol in Glycerin, Propylene Glycol and Sorbitol Solutions (Indian Pharmacopoeia Monographs) Puah Perng Yang, Cynthia Melanie Lahey Shimadzu (Asia Pacific) Pte Ltd, Singapore User Benefits  Brevis GC…
Klíčová slova
deg, degglycerin, glycerincrystallising, crystallisingsolution, solutionsorbitol, sorbitolreference, referenceglycol, glycolpeak, peaktest, testbrevis, brevisraw, rawdiethylene, diethylenearea, areamin, minethylene
Analysis of Diethylene Glycol in Glycerin Using Brevis GC-2050
Gas Chromatograph Brevis GC-2050 Analysis of Diethylene Glycol in Glycerin Using Brevis GC-2050 (with Reference to the Japanese Pharmacopoeia) Application News Keiso Kawamoto User Benefits  The compact Brevis GC-2050 allows for high-throughput analysis by increasing the number of operational…
Klíčová slova
glycol, glycoldiethylenglycol, diethylenglycolglycerin, glycerindiethylene, diethyleneethylenglycol, ethylenglycoljapanese, japaneseethylene, ethylenepharmacopoeia, pharmacopoeiakawamoto, kawamotokeiso, keisonews, newssplit, splitspl, splrevised, revisedministry
Analysis of Ethylene Glycol and Diethylene Glycol in Glycerin, Propylene Glycol and Sorbitol via GC-FID in Accordance with USP Monographs
Gas Chromatograph GC-2010 Pro Application News Analysis of Ethylene Glycol and Diethylene Glycol in Glycerin, Propylene Glycol and Sorbitol via GC-FID in Accordance with USP Monographs Puah Perng Yang1, Yanwar Pratama Putra2, Amih Maulida2, Dewi Arba’ina2, Jenita Salsalina2, Annisa Salsabila2,…
Klíčová slova
deg, degglycerin, glycerinsorbitol, sorbitolpeak, peakstandard, standardresponse, responsesample, samplespiked, spikedratio, ratiousp, uspnews, newsglycol, glycolraw, rawarea, areaaverage
Screening of Ethylene Glycol and Diethylene Glycol in Medicinal Syrup by GCMS with FASST mode (Part 1 – as per Indonesian BPOM Method)
Gas Chromatograph Mass Spectrometer GCMS-QP2020 NX Application News Screening of Ethylene Glycol and Diethylene Glycol in Medicinal Syrup by GCMS with FASST mode (Part 1 – as per Indonesian BPOM Method) Chia Chee Geng, Cynthia Melanie Lahey, Chua Chun Kiang,…
Klíčová slova
deg, degsyrup, syrupmedicinal, medicinaldetected, detectedppm, ppmglycol, glycolavg, avgfasst, fasstdiethylene, diethylenesample, sampleamount, amountsim, simethylene, ethylenescan, scannews
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