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Application Note No. 102 (February 2006) Automated difficult matrix introduction (DMI) for identification of allergens and fragrances in washing powder with GC-MS-Olfactometry and a liner exchanger (LINEX) Key Words: Automated sample preparation Difficult Matrix Introduction (DMI) GC-MS-Olfactory Allergens, fragrances Washing…
Klíčová slova
dmi, dmiglycol, glycolpowder, powderatas, ataswashing, washinglinex, linexdifficult, difficultinternational, internationalfragrances, fragrancestriehtylene, triehtylenemonododecyl, monododecylpentaethylene, pentaethyleneethylene, ethyleneperfumed, perfumedautomated
Application Note No. 101 (February 2006) Automated difficult matrix introduction (DMI) for identification of allergens and fragrances in shampoo with GC-MS-Olfactometry and a liner exchanger (LINEX) Key Words: Automated sample preparation Difficult matrix introduction (DMI) GC-MS-olfactrometry Allergens, fragrances Shampoo Erwin…
Klíčová slova
shampoo, shampoodmi, dmilinex, linexatas, atasolfactrometry, olfactrometryinternational, internationalexchanger, exchangerdifficult, difficultcompounds, compoundssmelly, smellytetradecanol, tetradecanolautomated, automatedphaser, phasershampoos, shampoosmatrix
Application Note No. 103 (April 2006) Automated difficult matrix introduction (DMI) for identification of residues of washing powder on clothing with GC-MS and a LINer EXchanger (LINEX) Key Words: Automated Difficult Matrix Introduction (DMI)* GC-MS Allergens, fragrances Washing powder Erwin…
Klíčová slova
dmi, dmiwashing, washingpowder, powderclothing, clothingcotton, cottonresidue, residuelinex, linexatas, atasalmost, almostmatrix, matrixsample, samplewashed, washedliner, linervolatile, volatilewhole
LAAN-J-MS-E037 GC-MS Gas Chromatograph Mass Spectrometer 37 GC/MS Quantitative Analysis of Allergens in Cosmetics Using OPTIC-4 Because an estimated 1 to 2 percent of the population has allergies, in 2003 the EU began regulating the use of perfumes and flavour…
Klíčová slova
tic, ticatas, ataskaal, kaalmeasurement, measurementerwin, erwinmode, modehorsting, horstingiwan, iwanmin, minlinex, linexdatasheet, datasheetallergen, allergencream, creamcosmetic, cosmeticcooperation
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LabRulez s.r.o. Všechna práva vyhrazena. Obsah dostupný pod licencí CC BY-SA 4.0 Uveďte původ-Zachovejte licenci.