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Determination of Organochlorine Pesticides and Polychlorinated Biphenyls Using GC/MS/MS Operated in the MRM Mode


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PO-CON1371E GC-MS/MS determination of PCBs and screening of environmental pollutants using simultaneous scan and MRM modes Dioxin 2013 P-0007 Min hae Lee1*, Katsuhiro Nakagawa2, Haruhiko Miyagawa2, Yuki Sakamoto2, Kiwao Kadokami3 1 Dong-il Shimadzu Corporation, 2 Shimadzu Corporation, 3 The University…
Klíčová slova
mrm, mrmscan, scanpcbs, pcbsaiqs, aiqspollutants, pollutantsscreening, screeningdetermination, determinationsimultaneous, simultaneousenvironmental, environmentalcompounds, compoundsothers, othersmodes, modesprecurcer, precurcerprecurser, precurserdata
C146-E299 Technical Report Determination of Polychlorinated Dibenzo-p-dioxins and Dibenzofurans (PCDD/Fs) in Foodstuffs and Animal Feed Using a Triple Quadrupole GCMS-TQ8040 System with Smart MRM Transforms Laboratory Analysis Pu Wang1, Huizhong Sun1, Qinghua Zhang1, Feifei Tian2, Lei Cao2 A b s…
Klíčová slova
mrm, mrmpolychlorinated, polychlorinatedpcdd, pcddsmart, smartocdd, ocdddioxins, dioxinsocdf, ocdfđžŷđğŷƚƌăɵžŷ, đžŷđğŷƚƌăɵžŷɖőͬőϳ, ɖőͬőϳcongener, congenercompounds, compoundsbiphenyls, biphenylsregistered, registereddibenzofurans, dibenzofuransmode
PO-CON1550E Determination of chemical contaminants in marine fish by GCMS/MS using QuEChERS as an extraction method ASMS 2015 TP 338 Ankush Bhone, Durvesh Sawant, Dheeraj Handique, Prashant Hase, Sanket Chiplunkar, Ajit Datar, Jitendra Kelkar and Pratap Rasam Shimadzu Analytical (India)…
Klíčová slova
marine, marinefish, fishgcms, gcmsquechers, quecherscontaminants, contaminantsmrm, mrmextraction, extractionsmart, smartchemical, chemicalmethod, methodbhc, bhcdetermination, determinationpops, popsusing, usingendosulfan
Application Note GCMS-TQ8040 Determination of chemical contaminants in marine fish by GCMS/MS using QuEChERS as an extraction method No. GC-13-ADI-013 ‰ Introduction As Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) are environmental contaminants with a strong potential for bioaccumulation, these chemicals are expected…
Klíčová slova
loq, loqbhc, bhcendosulfan, endosulfanfluoranthene, fluoranthenebenzo, benzomrm, mrmchlordane, chlordanefish, fishheptachlor, heptachlormin, minanthracene, anthracenepyrene, pyrenebeta, betatime, timealpha
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