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MultiPurpose Sampler MPS robotic series
|GERSTEL|Brožury a specifikace
MultiPurpose Sampler MPS robotic series sample prep for winners The MPS robotic efficiently and reliably automates sample preparation and sample introduction MPS robotic for GC and GC/MS Whether you are determining VOCs or SVOCs, the MPS robotic sets the benchmark…
Klíčová slova
mps, mpsgerstel, gerstelmaestro, maestrosample, samplerobotic, roboticpreparation, preparationspe, specan, canautomated, automatedenables, enablestrays, traysefficient, efficientenabling, enablingsyringe, syringeliquid
GERSTEL Multi-Position Evaporation Station mVAP Fully automated solvent evaporation integrated with your sample preparation VAP: Simultaneous evaporative concentration of up to 6 samples m The GERSTEL Multi-Position Evaporation Station (mVAP) performs solvent evaporation enabling automated sample concentration for lower limits…
Klíčová slova
evaporation, evaporationmvap, mvapgerstel, gerstelmaestro, maestrosolvent, solventprepahead, prepaheadpreparation, preparationvap, vapconcentration, concentrationsample, sampleexchange, exchangesequence, sequencemps, mpsspe, spestation
AppNote 7/2012 Evaporative Concentration of Substances Listed in the European Water Framework Directive (2000/60/EC and 2008/105/EC). A Performance Comparison Between an Automated System and a Manual System. Susanne Sperling Gerstel GmbH & Co. KG, Eberhard-Gerstel-Platz 1, D-45473 Mülheim an der…
Klíčová slova
mvap, mvapevaporation, evaporationgerstel, gerstelhch, hchautomated, automatedbenzo, benzosteps, stepssolvent, solventframework, frameworkmps, mpsmanual, manualsample, samplecommercially, commerciallystation, stationfluoranthene
Chromatography Technical Note No AS172 A Fully Automated On-line Forensic Toxicology Solution for the Determination of Opioids in Blood by Smart SPE Clean-Up and GC-MS Camilla Liscio, Anatune Ltd., Girton, Cambridgeshire, UK. Introduction recoveries of >99% can be achieved along…
Klíčová slova
dhc, dhcopiates, opiatesblood, bloodspe, spesmart, smartautomated, automateditsp, itspmorphine, morphinecodeine, codeinequalifier, qualifierintercept, interceptminiaturised, miniaturisedfully, fullyforensically, forensicallywere
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