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Large scale screening and quantitation of pesticide residues in rice using GC-(EI)-MS/MS

Aplikace | 2019 | Thermo Fisher ScientificInstrumentace
Potraviny a zemědělství
Thermo Fisher Scientific
Klíčová slova
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APPLICATION NOTE 72981 A selective and sensitive method for quantification of pesticide residues in wheat using GC-(EI)-MS/MS Authors Subodh Kumar Budakoti, Sarvendra Pratap Singh, Devika Kurup, and Dasharath Oulkar Customer Solution Center, Ghaziabad, Thermo Fisher Scientific, India Goal The objective…
Klíčová slova
rec, recwheat, wheatethyl, ethylbromophos, bromophosion, ionmethyl, methylrsd, rsddiallate, diallatetrans, transcis, cisnonachlor, nonachlorname, namepirimiphos, pirimiphosfssai, fssaichlordane
APPLICATION NOTE 65609 A sensitive and robust analytical solution for pesticide residues analysis in apple using GC-(AEI)-MS/MS Authors: Subodh Kumar Budakoti, Sarvendra Pratap Singh, and Dasharath Oulkar, Customer Solution Center, Thermo Fisher Scientific, Ghaziabad, India Keywords: Advanced electron ionization (AEI),…
Klíčová slova
loq, loqrec, recpermethrin, permethrintrans, transrsd, rsdcis, cismethyl, methylethyl, ethylmms, mmsinjections, injectionsion, ionquantitation, quantitationbromophos, bromophosarea, areaapple
APPLICATION NOTE 73039 Large-scale screening and quantitation of pesticide residues in milk using GC-(EI)-MS/MS Authors Sarvendra Pratap Singh, Subodh Kumar Budakoti, Dasharath Oulkar Customer Solution Center, Ghaziabad, Thermo Fisher Scientific, India Goal The objective of the experiment described here was…
Klíčová slova
rec, recmilk, milkneat, neatrsd, rsdarea, areaion, ionlinear, linearethyl, ethylconfirmatory, confirmatoryquantifier, quantifiertetramethrin, tetramethrinloq, loqextractabrite, extractabritemethyl, methyltrifluralin
APPLICATION NOTE 72980 A quantitative determination of pesticide residues in chili powder using GC-MS/MS Authors Sarvendra P. Singh, Subodh K. Budakoti, and Dasharath P. Oulkar Customer Solution Center, Thermo Fisher Scientific, Ghaziabad, India Keywords Quantitation, pesticides, chili powder, TraceFinder, GC-MS/MS,…
Klíčová slova
chili, chiliendosulfan, endosulfanpowder, powderfssai, fssaiptv, ptvworking, workingsrm, srmdicofol, dicofolmethod, methodextractabrite, extractabriteresidue, residuepesticide, pesticidemrls, mrlspesticides, pesticidesmrl
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LabRulez s.r.o. Všechna práva vyhrazena. Obsah dostupný pod licencí CC BY-SA 4.0 Uveďte původ-Zachovejte licenci.