Solid Phase Extraction and GC/MS Analysis of Melamine Adulteration in Dairy Products
Aplikace | 2009 | PerkinElmerInstrumentace
ZaměřeníPotraviny a zemědělství
Klíčová slovamelamine, dairy, adulteration, products, spe, ecoanalytix, milk, bft, sylon, goodman, analysis, successfully, splitless, ascentis, bstfa, trifluoroacetamide, william, dsc, trimethylsilyl, incubated, summed, bis, full, reconstituted, perkinelmer, scx, supelco, well, finished, programmable, spectrometry, fat, consisting, slightly, paper, spiking, discovery, hold, close, resulted, confirmed, chromatography, caused, comparing, dry, regulatory, quantify, created, gas, interferences
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Milk Adulteration with Melamine – Screening, Testing and Real-Time Detection
CASE STUDY Food Fraud Milk Adulteration with Melamine – Screening, Testing and Real-Time Detection The adulteration of protein-based food products with melamine is now a well-known issue. Five years ago, the increasing number of renal failures in dogs and cats…
Klíčová slova
melamine, melamineadulteration, adulterationmilk, milkfood, foodprotein, proteinsome, someregulated, regulateddsa, dsacats, catsunadulterated, unadulteratedalerted, alertedpoints, pointsreal, realintent, intentcyanuric
Food integrity application compendium
2020|Thermo Fisher Scientific|Příručky
TRUST APPLICATION NOTE 10509 your foods are all they should be. Food integrity application compendium Authenticity Adulteration/Food fraud Halal foods Table of contents Introduction 3 General 4-8 Dyes 9 Fish 10 Fruit 11 Vegetables 12 Meat 13-14 Halal foods 15…
Klíčová slova
thermo, thermoscientific, scientificirms, irmsbeverages, beveragesadulteration, adulterationmethod, methodoverview, overviewisolink, isolinkdescription, descriptionhoney, honeyauthenticity, authenticitypart, partnumber, numberisotope, isotopedionex
Trace-Level Analysis of Melamine in Milk Products on Agilent 7890A/5975C GC/MSD Using a New Agilent J&W DB-5ms Ultra Inert Column and SampliQ SCX Cartridges
2008|Agilent Technologies|Aplikace
Trace-Level Analysis of Melamine in Milk Products on Agilent 7890A/5975C GC/MSD Using a New Agilent J&W DB-5ms Ultra Inert Column and SampliQ SCX Cartridges Application Note Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry/Food Safety Authors Abstract Min Cai and Yun Zou A GC/MS method…
Klíčová slova
melamine, melaminemilk, milktms, tmssampliq, sampliqabundance, abundancescx, scxtri, trirecovery, recoverymode, modelevel, levellyzed, lyzedreagents, reagentsresin, resincai, caitrace
Guide to automated sample preparation for GC and GC-MS
2022|Thermo Fisher Scientific|Příručky
Table of contents The role of sample preparation in gas chromatography TriPlus RSH robotic sample handling Sampling Workflow Editor software Calibration workflows Derivatization workflows Liquid/liquid extraction workflows Micro-SPE clean-up Guide to automated sample preparation for GC and GC-MS TriPlus RSH…
Klíčová slova
derivatization, derivatizationworkflows, workflowsset, setinstrument, instrumentrsh, rshesterification, esterificationtriplus, tripluslle, lleeditor, editorworkflow, workflowrobotic, roboticliquid, liquidstation, stationmicro, micromcpd