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Fast Screening of Water and Soil Samples, Using Solid Phase Microextraction (SPME)
TheReporter Reprinted from Volume 16, No. 1, 1997 T297061 © 1999 Sigma-Aldrich Co. For more information, or current prices, contact your nearest Supelco subsidiary listed below. To obtain further contact information, visit our website (www.sigma-aldrich.com), see the Supelco catalog, or…
Klíčová slova
spme, spmelancaster, lancastermicroextraction, microextractionsupelco, supelcoour, ouragreement, agreementethylbenzene, ethylbenzenexylene, xylenebenzene, benzeneillustrations, illustrationstrichloroethane, trichloroethanetoluene, toluenepurge, purgerepairs, repairslaboratories
Solid Phase Microextraction: Theory and Optimization of Conditions
Bulletin 923 Solid Phase Microextraction: Theory and Optimization of Conditions Solid phase microextraction, a simple, effective adsorption/ desorption technique, eliminates the need for solvents or complicated apparatus for concentrating volatile or nonvolatile compounds in liquid samples or headspace. SPME is…
Klíčová slova
spme, spmefiber, fibercoating, coatingholder, holderpdms, pdmsanalyte, analytedesorption, desorptionsampling, samplingsupelco, supelcohplc, hplcdescription, descriptionextraction, extractionpolar, polarnonpolar, nonpolarcarboxen
Air Sampling of VOCs by SPME for Analysis by Capillary GC
Application Note 141 Air Sampling of VOCs by SPME for Analysis by Capillary GC The disposable SPME portable field sampler and the Carboxen/ PDMS fiber are an ideal combination for monitoring VOCs in air samples. The ability to collect air…
Klíčová slova
pdms, pdmsspme, spmefiber, fiberchloride, chloridecarboxen, carboxenfield, fieldvinyl, vinylvocs, vocsacrylonitrile, acrylonitrileair, airportable, portabletetrachloroethene, tetrachloroethenetrichloroethene, trichloroethenesampler, samplermethylene
Solid Phase Microextraction of Volatile Compounds
Application Note 11 Solid Phase Microextraction of Volatile Compounds Solid phase microextraction eliminates most of the drawbacks to purge and trap sample preparation techniques. The volatile compounds listed in US EPA Method 524.2 (a drinking water analysis) were analyzed by…
Klíčová slova
fiber, fiberbutylbenzene, butylbenzenespme, spmevolatile, volatilesampling, samplingmicroextraction, microextractionxylene, xylenecompounds, compoundsconstants, constantsbromobenzene, bromobenzenebromomethane, bromomethanechloromethane, chloromethanebromodichloromethane, bromodichloromethanebromoform, bromoformlapses
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