Přednáška: Dvourozměrná plynová chromatografie (GC×GC) v analýze komplexních chemických směsí
- Foto: VŠCHT Praha: Dvourozměrná plynová chromatografie (GC×GC) v analýze komplexních chemických směsí
- Video: STEM NET: STEM-NET Virtual Research Café 10.0, July 13
Při příležitosti nákupu dlouho očekávaného přístroje, dvoudimenzionální plynové chromatografie (GCxGC), Vás zveme dne 25.1. v 10:00 na přednášku kolegy Petra Vozky z California State University v Los Angeles. Přednáška proběhne v angličtině a je otevřená veřejnosti.
Místo konání: Místnost A181 (Budova A – hlavní vstup oproti Technické knihovně, 1. patro - zasedací místnost rektorátu)
Přednášející: Petr Vozka, Ph.D. (Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry, California State University, Los Angeles, US)
Petr Vozka is an Assistant Professor of Analytical Chemistry at the California State University, Los Angeles. He is also the Director of the Complex Chemical Composition Analysis Lab (C³AL), where he focuses on the characterization of complex chemical mixtures, such as products from plastic waste conversion processes, oil spills, and microplastics via state-of-the-art techniques, such as two-dimensional gas chromatography and high-resolution mass spectrometry.
Petr Vozka: Petr Vozka, Assistant Professor, California State University, Los Angeles, USA
Comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography (GC×GC) has become the state-of-the-art instrument for qualitative and quantitative analysis of volatile and semi-volatile complex mixtures and has emerged as a powerful separation tool for studying environmental samples, petroleum fractions, persistent organic pollutants, drugs, and many more.
This talk will be centered around plastic waste conversion to fuels and useable chemicals, microplastic consumption, and how to perform detailed chemical analyses of such systems.
Petr Vozka: LECO & C3AL GCxGC Training/Research Facility
- Benchtop GC Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometer
QuadJet SD
- GC×GC modulation system with Flame Ionization Detection
- Benchtop GC-MS with high-performance GC×GC modulation
ChromaTOF & ChromaTOF Tile Analytical Software
- ChromaTOF processing and analyzing the large amounts of data that are acquired with time-of-flight instruments.
- ChromaTOF Tile finds differences between two or more classes of samples.