Postery | 2019 | WatersInstrumentace
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VýrobceAgilent Technologies, Waters
Klíčová slovaapgc, cannabis, pesticides, thc, ichlorvos, matrix, ionization, bifenthrin, time, chlorfenapyr, electron, mrms, pesticide, multiresidue, orders, screening, techniques, molecular, present, produces, atmospheric, xevo, specificity, fragments, region, uncapped, higher, extremely, residues, tic, interference, pest, enhanced, softer, canadian, suitable, approach, pentachloronitrobenzene, fragmented, drastically, cannabinoid, kresoxim, min, lower, cypermethrin, promote, uniquely, coumaphos, dspe, permethrin
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A Multi-Residue Method for the Analysis of Pesticides in Cannabis Using UPLC-MS/MS and APGC-MS/MS to Meet Canadian Regulatory Requirements
2019|Agilent Technologies|Aplikace
[ APPLICATION NOTE ] A Multi-Residue Method for the Analysis of Pesticides in Cannabis Using UPLC-MS/MS and APGC-MS/MS to Meet Canadian Regulatory Requirements David James, 1 Nichole Taylor, 1 and Christopher Stadey2 Bloom Labs at Perennia Laboratories, Nova Scotia, Canada…
Klíčová slova
cannabis, cannabisapgc, apgcuplc, uplcpesticides, pesticidespesticide, pesticideresidue, residueppb, ppbmulti, multimin, minmethod, methodendosulfan, endosulfancanada, canadaanalysis, analysisxevo, xevohealth
Analysis of Residual Pesticides and Mycotoxins in Cannabis Using UPLC-MS/MS and GC-MS/MS to Meet California Regulatory Requirements
[ APPLICATION NOTE ] Analysis of Residual Pesticides and Mycotoxins in Cannabis Using UPLC-MS/MS and GC-MS/MS to Meet California Regulatory Requirements Kim Tran, 1 Kari Organtini,1 Marian Twohig,1 Michael Young,1 Gareth Cleland, 1 Ken Rosnack, 1 Naren Meruva,1 Gordon Fujimoto,…
Klíčová slova
cannabis, cannabismycotoxins, mycotoxinspesticides, pesticidesuplc, uplcspinosad, spinosadcalifornia, californiapyrethrin, pyrethrinresidual, residualpesticide, pesticidespinetoram, spinetoramaction, actionpcnb, pcnbanalysis, analysisnote, notemin
Determination of Pesticide and Mycotoxin Residues in Dried Cannabis Flower: LC-MS/MS and GC-MS/MS Methodology to Meet the Recommended AOAC Regulatory Requirements for US States and Canada
2020|Agilent Technologies|Aplikace
[ APPLICATION NOTE ] Determination of Pesticide and Mycotoxin Residues in Dried Cannabis Flower: LC-MS/MS and GC-MS/MS Methodology to Meet the Recommended AOAC Regulatory Requirements for US States and Canada Kim Tran, 1 Michael Young,1 Kari Organtini,1 Marian Twohig,1 and…
Klíčová slova
loq, loqcannabis, cannabismycotoxin, mycotoxinflower, flowerpesticide, pesticidedried, driedpesticides, pesticidesapgc, apgcresidues, residuesendosulfan, endosulfanpyrethrin, pyrethrinspinetoram, spinetoramspinosad, spinosadarea, areaconc
A Validated Method for the Analysis of 142 Pesticide Residues Using Atmospheric Pressure GC Coupled with Tandem Quadrupole Mass Spectrometry
2014|Agilent Technologies|Aplikace
A Validated Method for the Analysis of 142 Pesticide Residues Using Atmospheric Pressure GC Coupled with Tandem Quadrupole Mass Spectrometry L. Cherta,1 T. Portolés,1 J. Beltran,1 E. Pitarch,1 J.G.J. Mol,2 F. Hernández,1 D. Roberts,3 and R. Rao3 1 Research Institute…
Klíčová slova
apgc, apgcpesticides, pesticidesatmospheric, atmosphericresidue, residuearea, areaxevo, xevoquechers, quechersresidues, residuesionization, ionizationlods, lodstargetlynx, targetlynxmissing, missingmetalaxyl, metalaxyldimethoate, dimethoatepressure