Comparison of Static and Dynamic Headspace for Volatile Organic Compounds in Orange Juice
Aplikace | 2012 | Teledyne LABSInstrumentace
GC/MSD, HeadSpace, GC/SQ
ZaměřeníPotraviny a zemědělství
VýrobceThermo Fisher Scientific, Teledyne LABS
Klíčová slovastatic, headspace, dynamic, volatile, comparison, organic, temp, juice, platen, desorb, sweep, orange, oven, variable, squeezed, dry, time, dsq, equil, purge, sweeps, octanal, valve, pressurize, hexanal, concentrating, teledyne, aldehydes, flow, transfer, sample, line, value, continually, aroma, giving, vocs, flavor, play, fill, compounds, role, focus, inject, ethanol, pure, loop, amounts, onto, were
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Comparison of BTEXS in Olive Oils by Static and Dynamic HT3 Headspace
2011|Thermo Fisher Scientific|Aplikace
Comparison of BTEXS in Olive Oils by Static and Dynamic HT3 Headspace Application Note Abstract The health benefits of consumption of olive oils as part of a healthy diet reaches back to the mid 1950’s. In the late 1990’s, interest…
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Determining Volatile Organic Compounds from Difficult Soil Matrices Utilizing both Headspace and Purge and Trap Techniques
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Determining Volatile Organic Compounds from Difficult Soil Matrices Utilizing both Headspace and Purge and Trap Techniques Application Note By: Anne Jurek Abstract Purge and Trap concentration (P&T) along with Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry (GC/MS) analysis is the traditionally used method for…
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Determination of Hexanal in Foods Utilizing Dynamic Headspace GC/MS
2015|Teledyne LABS|Aplikace
Determination of Hexanal in Foods Utilizing Dynamic Headspace GC/MS Application Note P a g e |1 Abstract Hexanal is one of many well-documented aromatic components that contribute to flavor and aroma in common consumer food products containing omega-6 fatty acids.…
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A Survey of Residual Solvents in Various Inks used in Consumer Product Packaging
2011|Thermo Fisher Scientific|Aplikace
A Survey of Residual Solvents in Various Inks used in Consumer Product Packaging Application Note Abstract Food manufacturers use various printing inks on their consumer product packaging. These inks are typically used on the outside of the package, but are…
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