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Direct Analysis of Finished Plastic Products by Heated Head Space and GC/MS


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Determination of Class I USP Residual Solvents and TICs in Dietary Supplements and Pharmaceutical Products by GC/MS
Residual Solvent Analysis Application Notes #283030 Determination of Class I USP Residual Solvents and TICs in Dietary Supplements and Pharmaceutical Products by GC/MS Residual solvents in pharmaceuticals are defined as organic volatile chemicals that are consumed or produced in the…
Klíčová slova
residual, residualsolvents, solventshazard, hazardenv, envtoxic, toxictics, ticscompounds, compoundsscion, scioncompound, compoundtemp, tempscan, scanset, setbruker, brukeranalysed, analysedproducts
Analysis of Extractable Compounds from a Pressurized Metered-Dose Inhaler (pMDI) Using GC/MSD Systems
Analysis of Extractable Compounds from a Pressurized Metered-Dose Inhaler (pMDI) Using GC/MSD Systems Application Note Pharmaceuticals Authors Abstract Diana M. Wong and Roger L. Firor A pressurized metered-dose inhaler (pMDI) is an inhalation device developed for the Agilent Technologies, Inc.…
Klíčová slova
rubber, rubberplasticizer, plasticizerpmdi, pmdiacid, acidplastic, plasticextractable, extractableextract, extractsemivolatiles, semivolatilesdcm, dcmmetering, meteringoriginc, originccompounda, compoundastem, stemagents, agentsphthalate
Analytical Solutions for Analysis of Polymer Additives
C10G-E095 Analytical Solutions for Analysis of Polymer Additives Introduction Polymer additives are compounds added to plastic products to increase their durability and functionality. Although plastic products are used in a wide range of fields, including as packaging containers for pharmaceuticals…
Klíčová slova
additives, additivespolymer, polymeranalysis, analysisplastic, plasticlibrary, libraryplasticizer, plasticizeredx, edxlubricant, lubricantindex, indexpackaging, packagingfood, foodacrylic, acrylicspectrum, spectrumesi, esicfrp
Analysis of Volatile Hazardous Air Pollutants and Ozone Precursors Using the Cryofocusing GC-MS/MS (MRM) Method
LAAN-C-XX-E038 Application Note No. 56 Analysis of Volatile Hazardous Air Pollutants and Ozone Precursors Using the Cryofocusing GC-MS/MS (MRM) Method Yasuji Watanabe *1, Akira Suzuki *2 Environment Environment 1. Introduction Environmental monitoring of volatile organic compounds in the atmosphere has…
Klíčová slova
unit, unitmrm, mrminterference, interferencesubstance, substancedrift, driftunknown, unknownpseudo, pseudodichlorobenzene, dichlorobenzenelow, lowbaseline, baselinechloride, chloridesim, simcyclopentane, cyclopentanepinene, pinenexylene
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LabRulez s.r.o. Všechna práva vyhrazena. Obsah dostupný pod licencí CC BY-SA 4.0 Uveďte původ-Zachovejte licenci.